
Haha. I wonder if we have the same friend. I have a friend whose parents are divorced but their relationship is so great that they get drinks together Friday nights and vent about their significant others over wine. It's a sweet relationship but I know that I often wonder why they ever got divorced. My friend tells me

I like books like that, I just replace the Mary Sue with myself :).

Thank you. I appreciate the virtual hug so very much. What drives me crazy is that he'll never come out and say that he no longer wants me or us or our relationship. He's just always confused. For whatever reason, I can't find the courage to end things on my end. Maybe because I feel ashamed at the prospect of telling

I am going through the same thing. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I know that I will recover but I feel like I'll never be the same person again. I've started watching Last Tango in Halifax on Netflix. I find it comforting.

I have been lurking for years and finally need to post. My husband of 3 years (we've been together for 9) just upped and disappeared on me today. I keep calling his phone but he won't answer. Last night for the first we agreed that perhaps things won't work for us anymore. We love each other so much. The thing is I