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    Well I wasn't addressing the author of the article specifically, they did cite the inflation adjusted numbers but the reason they gave for no movie doing what Titanic did was its number of weeks as the #1 movie in America. And I do kind of agree that it seems unlikely that any movie will stay at the top for 15+ weeks

    Thanks for the reply:

    I really hate inflation-adjusted box office numbers because they're just far too simplified. All sites do is multiply the tickets sold by the average price of a ticket today to calculate it. But the assumption that people would buy as many tickets for a movie today as they did twenty years ago isn't sound for a couple

    I really enjoyed the movie and First Day of Camp…Ten Years Later was listless though. The stuff with the presidents simply wasn't that funny and most of the plotlines tried to follow up on plots started in the last two installments which made the series feel stale. The reason First Day of Camp worked was because it so

    Honestly what the hell is the point of attacking a subscription based company? HBO isn't going to lose revenue over this…people who were willing to pay already do and people who aren't were already illegally downloading episodes or watching at friends. This is just stupid.

    The last paragraph of yours is just wild speculation, not obvious stuff at all. But the rest generally seems plausible.

    How did he interfere? He gave Hemsworth a funny line, he used it in a take, the director chose to keep it…

    I thought it was Joffrey who did it.

    So your argument is if you get peer pressured into doing something wrong, you're no longer responsible for that decision?

    I don't think he got judged that hard is all. Rachel was justified in actually breaking up with him and the rest of the gang didn't give him too much hassle afterwards either.

    I mean you're basically clinging to semantics here like Ross was. Yes they were technically broken up but sleeping with someone else literally hours after you broke up generally doesn't indicate to a woman that you're willing to do anything to get back together.

    I know right? I always wondered why Ross, as the largest friend, didn't simply eat the others.

    OK that's a fair point. Although I think you're using millennials to basically describe current college students when millennials, by definition, generally refers to people born between the mid-70s and the mid-90s. There are definitely people who fall into the millennial camp, like me, who did not grow up with cell

    Person who illegally downloads episode and watches it calls others spoiled bitches. OK then.

    I don't think the cast of New Girl acts like college students at all - I think they act like me and my friends did when we were in our mid to late twenties.

    Ross was definitely at fault from them breaking up - he was irrationally jealous for a few episodes just because Rachel had a good looking coworker. Imagine if she had done that to him. I get that Rachel ditching him on their anniversary wasn't great but Ross was acting like a real d-bag for a few episodes and was the

    Being irrationally jealous isn't really justifying him sleeping with another woman.

    Could be wrong but I think the version that got most views was the one without Bieber

    By definition I'm a millennial and disagree.

    Alright well my post in this Game of Thrones article was very specific to Game of Thrones so…thanks for the reply?