I mean…John Wick still holds up as a single movie. And there are lots of great movies out every year with no sequels - they just get no attention as it's more fun to rail against the franchise movies that get more marketing behind it.
I mean…John Wick still holds up as a single movie. And there are lots of great movies out every year with no sequels - they just get no attention as it's more fun to rail against the franchise movies that get more marketing behind it.
Not really sure where you heard it had no franchise pretensions…the first movie spent a lot of time world building and it got praise because it actually did it real well.
You don't speak for all moviegoers.
Of course - Mario = Superman. How else do you describe those poor Goombas being squashed into stardust from a simple jump?
It'd make the most sense for WB to finish filming their film in the schedule they committed to.
This episode getting a B+ here and an A- in newbies makes me think it's impossible for Game of Thrones to get a bad score.
Varys you mean? Also…that scene literally ended with her accepting Varys specifically because he remained defiant.
The problem is this season is asking us to care about the Dornish and Greyjoys as they have replaced dead characters and families from other seasons. And because of how poorly developed they are, we all just don't give a shit about a scene where Euron kills Sand Snakes.
GRRM told them, in full detail, how he intended to use all of his characters so let's not act like the writers have been going off of their own imagination only after book five. And even if they did just have book five, they still chose to make Doran useless and to get rid of critical, more likable Dornish characters…
Honestly I expect way, way more than one or two good scenes from a show that won Best Drama last year.
Honestly he was the best part of the episode. Every single thing uttered from the Dornish and the Greyjoys sounded like poorly written fanfiction.
That was one of the worst episodes of GoT period…the dialogue was bad, the scenes were extra gratuitous for no reason and they even managed to fuck up Nymeria's "triumphant" return. Can't believe this is one of only seven episodes of the show we get this season.
This sounds like it's going to be awesome.
No and no, nothing like that. People want the MCU Hulk, not a rebooted version, to have his own MCU flick again.
Do people actually like the trailer for this? It looked boring and mediocre to me and if I didn't know about the books, probably wouldn't even consider seeing it.
I'm sure others have said this before, but I think this premiere made it clear that the show's biggest failing in the last few years has been how it has introduced new characters. Both Euron Greyjoy and the Sand Snakes play an important role in the final conflict but I think most people here would be just as happy…
Pure table-setting episode. Kind of expected we would see Dany and her army ravaging a Westoros army but guess that'll be a future episode. So it was just fine IMO.
Haven't thought about the books in a while - put them out of my mind when it became clear that there was no date that was reasonable to expect TWOW to come out on.
Me too that movie was bad IMO.