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    They must have been referring to opening weekend numbers cause it made $92M in China overall.

    Based on this casting (spoilers if you don't know)?

    His range is impressive - have been a fan of his work for a long, long time. Hope he keeps getting interesting roles.

    They didn't delay the reveal until the last episode…Elliot realizes he is Mr. Robot in the penultimate episode. And it was unbelievably obvious before that as well.

    He must have gotten that from Marvel.

    Nothing annoyed me more than Suits not pursuing the Mike works at an investment bank story in S4. Everything since he returned has felt like a forced effort get him to jail.

    First the Mr. Robot thing last year and now this?

    All three of those would make my list for sure.

    Ah gotcha. Shame, he is great in the role.

    He just agreed to do The Killing Joke…

    Must have had room to do some power squats in her tomb.

    Jake Johnson IS John Hannah in…the best movie of all time.

    Have you seen 12 Monkeys or the Magicians? Neither have the "look" (and I know what you're talking about as well).

    Yea I thought the same thing.

    He kind of was in S3 when Oliver convinced him not to kill Brick and had him helping them plot to defeat Ra's. But that whole plot was fucking stupid to begin with given Malcolm had been the one who orchestrated Sara's death.

    Do you understand what overrated means? Flash gets a lot of praise because it is generally a fun show to watch with good plotting and a likable cast. But the general public isn't out there calling it the best show on TV or anything close to that. And the other three shows, like I said, have garnered more negative

    Sounds like a regular Barrow-verse to me.

    Arrow, LoT, and Supergirl all have tons of detractors…not really sure how the CW-verse is overrated.

    I was just speaking about movies in general…I didn't say anything specific about BFG. I'm not seeing that because it isn't really something that interests me based on my knowledge of the book it was based on and the trailers.

    What a clickbait title…he doesn't compare the PR movie directly to TDK as the title indicates at all. He is just saying the shift in tone is similar to the shift in tone from the old hokey Batman show to the Nolan trilogy.