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    In real life, teenagers get mad for similarly stupid, and sometimes stupider, reasons.

    Does anyone else remember the incredibly bad Category 6 and Category 7 movies that aired on CBS and featured Randy Quaid?

    I thought the actress in Monsters did a great job and was destined for bigger and better things and she has barely done anything since.

    I was disappointed with Tintin personally…my dad grew up with the comics so he passed them on to me when I was young right around the time the Adventures of Tintin cartoon was airing in the early 90s. Recently rewatched that series and it did the comics way more justice than the movie did.

    She was and she was a fan favorite from my memory.

    "But to what end? It’s not like they’re ever going to catch Savage, because then the show would be over."

    It reminds me of my fantasy football league, we've always had the same base name but play around with it (and how we integrate the number of years it has been active) in a dumb way every year.

    I envy you, I'd love to be able to watch seasons 3-5 anew. The show went from really good to incredible in those seasons IMO. I'm rewatching 5 right now just to get amped up for 6.

    While a longer wait between seasons can be painful, I'd rather have great seasons of TV than average to good ones every year. The Venture Bros. on Adult Swim is one of my favorite shows ever and they air a season every 2-3 years (pilot aired in early 2003, season 6 premiere airs end of this month in 2016).

    He hated James so not surprising he felt nothing for him when he died. I do agree though his feelings towards Lily didn't really resemble love.

    I just felt bad for him, both in the books and the movies. He clearly had severe emotional and psychological issues that made him latch on to the only person who (seemingly) was ever really nice to him in his formative years.

    I dunno if I'd criticize Goggins that harshly, I thought he did a pretty OK job with what was really a hammy role. He never really got to show his dramatic chops in the movie which is a shame as he can switch from light and jovial to menacing with great ease.

    My main complaints with the Hateful 8 were (I'm using actor names as I can't really remember the character names):

    Yea I just added that thought after replying to your point about Avery as Dassey was a pretty big part of the documentary and I think most agree he got screwed hard.

    CGI was terrible? What did you see to say that? I thought the entire movie looked incredible…not too many reviews I've read that have said anything differently.

    Which was pretty much spelled out when before that, Jackson tells Goggins that he might have misjudged him.

    I wouldn't say worst film, at the least I liked it more than Death Proof. But I definitely thought it was one of his weaker efforts and I can't understand how some people are giving it more praise than Inglorious Basterds (IGN ranked it at #2 of his movies and claimed that Jackson's dialogue about killing that one

    I think the documentary and all of the articles / coverage I have read since together paint the same picture…that in an effort to ensure Avery went to jail, cops and attorneys overstepped the boundaries of their jobs. Not saying he is innocent, truth be told I have no idea what actually happened but our legal system

    It is leaps and bounds better in the later seasons, it evolves a lot like Fringe did after its comparatively mediocre first season.

    Who the fuck wrote this article? Person of Interest is a great show, one I got excited about just a few months ago, and I would bet it'll be one people discover on Netflix years after it is cancelled prematurely. At least it got five seasons despite bullshit coverage like this.