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    I used to like playing daily fantasy sports every now and then but I hate the marketing for it this year so much I am actively rooting for it to be shut down. I am tired of seeing endless amounts of terrible DraftKings and FanDuel commercials during NFL games. Can someone explain to me what excitement I am even

    It kind of is…I had a friend who made vegetti and it was pretty average. I like veggies, would rather have just had a salad than something that resembled pasta but tasted nothing like it covered in red sauce and accompanied by tons of sausage (as if that's healthy).

    Same, have never seen the third one cause I just couldn't get over the recast.

    Yea I mean I'm not saying the movies were all terrible (I actually liked Cloud Atlas), just that they did terrible at the box office and all lost money.

    I'll just go ahead and admit I just plain like the first Mummy movie, it still is a lot of fun to watch every now and then when it is on TV.

    It's been a rough ten years for them really….what have they done after The Matrix? V for Vendetta did well (they only wrote and produced, didn't direct) but Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas, and Jupiter Ascending were all enormous flops. Frankly I don't know why any studio would give them a nine-digit budget again.

    They made that very clear on the show, Hydra never knew how to open the portal for it to come home. Fitz figured it out to bring Simmons back this season.

    The ancient alien mostly seems like the bug bad guy in Men in Black so far.

    ? Maybe I need to rewatch but I didn't notice any speech impediment from Wally. It mostly just seemed like he was extremely nervous meeting his dad and sister for the first time.

    Seems like he is going to play an asshole in Krampus based on the commercials if you want to see that.

    You no longer speak to everyone? Must be pretty lonely.

    Yea pretty bad parenting on her part and also hilariously a backhanded insult to her child.

    Just to clarify, I like The Flash and Arrow both - just wish we also had DC characters in a good animated series as well. So I'd like both an apple and an orange.

    Yea haha I laughed at that too…he asked for the guns and Eugene just tossed his machete over as well. But at least that fit Eugene's characterization as a complete pussy.

    Well to the OPs point, there are competitions where the chefs do something like cater a block party and decide they can make food to appeal to the pre-teen kids to win the popular vote instead of cooking for the judges. That is what doesn't make sense to me - who cares if kids with no taste buds like your food or not?

    Not me…having worked in a project based setting for six years or so I've seen people get caught up in the details under pressure many times. Some people have trouble stepping back and looking at the bigger picture, which in the case of Top Chef should be to cook the best food possible.

    I didn't like Texas that much overall but I was a big fan of the winner, Paul Qui, as he seemed like a good guy who just put his head down and ignored all the crap from the fat duo. I did constantly feel bad for Beverly towards the end, especially when she revealed she had been a victim of abuse prior to the show.

    I've watched pretty much every season of Top Chef and there never seem to be more than 2-3 assholes, usually arrogant assholes at that. The show just spends a lot of time following those asshole chefs they have as they know it will lead to better ratings.

    I am just because I want to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan and I'm assuming the first episode of the next half-season will be the episode we all wanted to see tonight as well. Just sucks that after five and a half seasons the writers still don't understand pacing one bit.

    I have to wonder, why did anyone think Sam could make it through the host of zombies when he was portrayed as pretty much the most cowardly child of all time? Put some duct tape over the kid's mouth so he can't talk.