
I loved this show. I loved every minute of it— even the minutes that didn’t quite work, because every show has those— and I think it was royally screwed by the networks. And this finale was trying to cram about a season and a half of plot into two hours, so yes, it was pretty rushed in places. That said, I am grateful

Huh! The same password I have on my luggage!

Now playing

Sigh. This was supposed to be SATIRE, folks. 

So did a number of early Christian sects, as it happens. The nature of Jesus (wholly human, partially divine, wholly divine, etc) varied wildly in the early days of the faith, from group to group. It took centuries for the church to wipe out all the dissidents.

That’s the worst part, isn’t it? Religion— in the abstract— is usually based around a set of guidelines meant to help people be less awful. And people need ethical guidelines, whether or not a deity is involved. (Which is not to say that it isn’t possible to have ethics without religion; of course it is.) There’s a

That’s also what is meant by calls for ‘civility.’ ‘Unity’ doesn’t have anything to do with working together anymore. If it ever did. It means ‘shut up and stop disagreeing with me.’ It means ‘do as I say or else.’ It means ‘any and all opposition will be severely punished.’

They haven’t forgotten. But raising the floor— even when it directly benefits their base— is never, ever going to be as popular, or win them as many votes, as the prospect of dropping whichever ‘them’ is popular at the moment through a trapdoor. Helping people might get you a fifteen minute spot on 60 Minutes, but

The obvious parallels to the Bluebeard story, and certainly the ones the original audience would have been most familiar with, are those of Eve, whose disobedience was blamed for pretty much every bad thing that has ever happened to anybody, and, perhaps more relevantly, Lot’s Wife, who looked back at her burning home

It seemed logical to assume that Dawn’s need for her father’s light— not just the stuff in the doctor’s equipment— was genetic. I figured that a baby, half of whose DNA was geared towards producing light, would need a much higher dose, or needed that particular wavelength, or whatever; it was a nice, easy way to play

No, you’re right— obviously people can like or dislike anything they choose, and the books are no better or worse then they ever were. And like I said, I have no quarrel with the writer doing anything they please with their own work. All I’m saying is that— from the standpoint of artistic quality— the temptation to go

I think it might be a question of ‘can’ vs ‘should.’ Yes, of course the writer can do anything they please with their characters. It’s their story, and if, say, Victor Hugo had decided to tack on a sequel about how Marius and Javert (who didn’t drown after all because reasons,) decided to start an interpretive dance

Maybe Australians won’t die of cervical cancer, but the US will have the moral high ground, the pleasure of knowing that the ‘guvmint’ doesn’t get to tell them what to do, and the privilege to scream about how bad and dirty sex is. So far as I can tell, for a lot of loons, that is winning. 

If you notice, throughout both GoTG and Vol 2, pretty much every time there’s some sort of emotional beat, the camera focuses on Rocket. He’s the pivot point of nearly every important event, he’s the one whose growth as a character is most strongly emphasized; he’s the one we’re shown every time we’re supposed to feel

The idea of renting a sex doll that someone else— lots of someone elses— already used creeps me out a little bit; it strikes me as a pandemic waiting to happen. Aside from that, a sex doll brothel seems like a win-win all around. No women are being trafficked or otherwise maltreated. The robot is not going to care if

How could a person who is this fucking stupid have possibly become President of the United States?”

Oooookay, Kim, let’s take this from the top. A BELT PACK is meant to be worn in the place one would normally wear a BELT. An easy way to remember this is to think that a BELt goes on the BELly. See how simple that is?

You know, by this point, they might as well just come out and say it— there is a large section of the population that simply doesn’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with sexual assault. Who seem to think that any urge a man may happen to get must be gratified, immediately if not sooner, and to hell with what the

Honestly, I’m getting just a little tired of these half-assed attempts at altering the curricula. Let’s just cut to the chase already. Art, Music, Civics, Literature, and History should be removed entirely. Heck, let’s go all the way and BAN them! Science can mostly go, too; all we need are a few class periods spent

Seriously. Pilate had so many Judeans crucified that Rome actually got on his case about excessive force. *Rome,* the place that brought you gladiatorial combat and the practice of literal decimation of enemies, thought this guy was too cruel. Hard to imagine, really.

Technically it’s not. The Pharisees *as they actually existed* were a more progressive, usually lower-class movement, which actually had a great deal of philosophy in common with the early Jerusalem Church. I understand that the Pharisees *as the Bible portrays them* were depicted as strict, cruel ritualists, and that