
Oh, and because we can’t vote in general elections, we mustn’t be concerned with being completely disenfranchised in local and municipal elections? Are you kidding me?

Oh, and because we can’t vote in general elections, we mustn’t be concerned with being completely disenfranchised in local and municipal elections? Are you kidding me?

I said you might have voted for the sovereignty arguement because I believed that you had suggested that as one part of your motivation for voting Leave the last time you mentioned that you had voted for Brexit. If that is not the case, I genuinely apologize, although to me, this makes your vote even less justifiable

Thanks for that. When I was typing that reply, I thought it might be so long that no-one would care to read it.

Exactly. But there is also the distinct possibility that they do exist and that he ‘misspoke’ this week. Either way, it’s a clear example of dereliction of duty and one way or the other he has lied then or now.

I totally get your point about the EU not being perfect. I’ve been angry with all the political parties pretty much equally before and not voted at all, so I would say that it’s a pity you didn’t just spoil your ballot, especially as the UK government are just as anti-refugee as the EU. (e.g. Their treatment of the

I’m wondering, since you have previously said that you’re a Leave voter, how you now feel Brexit is going.

Abortion Jones.

This is all starting to feel like there’s a big storm coming, and frankly I can’t wait. British people generally aren’t scared enough yet of what’s coming. They need a big wake up call, like us Britons living in the EU and EU citizens in the UK have had this past year, about what an evil monstrous cruel fucking

Yes, when did Trump turn into Sean Connery?

Go on, do it! But don’t beat yourself up if you find that it’s tough sometimes. Spanish has this reputation for being easy, but at higher levels it can be quite complex (and so worth it) but people feel bad because they thought it should be easy.

I just don’t see the entertainment value in watching a reenactment of a heavily pregnant woman, tied to the murdered corpse of her friend, crying and begging to get to stay alive long enough to give birth to her baby boy. And then being stabbed to death, knowing her baby that just hours before she had felt so happy

Laurie was hot and Amy was (still somewhat) shallow.

Your user name reminded me - please, please not any of the MST3K guys past or present. Since mid-2016, their work is literally all that lets me believe in the general goodness of humanity, some days. That show is my happy place.

And if both sides had learned to value each other, it causes the continuity problem that in Kirk’s time, they... really do not value each other at all.

Yes, this attitude here is so weird. When did this site become prude central? When did iO9 get to be all about covering up? Handmaid’s Tale much?

He’s a couple of thousand years old, so in fact I think Phil looks great for his age. He was probably just really cold and bored out of his gourd, poor old codger.

Yes, all that stuff about Bowie last year pretty much put the kibosh on my liking anyone unconditionally.

It was really bad and very funny (for all the right reasons).

That storyline where Green was attacked and then bought a gun and almost killed someone because of his PTSD - that was phenomenal. I remember thinking, watching it as a kid, this guy must know and understand what being a victim is like, because it was so dead on accurate and true. The storyline could have been