
We are awash in Chinese money here, and super cars are a dime a dozen. My business partner lives near a high school that has an Aventador with an N sticker (new driver). Which is, obviously, nuts. I drive a C63 and see anywhere from 6-12 a day. I do NOT live in an upscale part of town.

The only place I know that tops that is here in Vancouver. That sounds like the first half dozen parking spots at UBC.

Different trim. this is the C&C Trim.

That blue is freaking gorgeous... I would almost consider it for that alone... Otherwise, it looks like an S-Class coupe with dwarfism.

I approve of the looks. The S class coupe is unrivaled and it’s appropriate to emulate the design.

I’m pretty sure the delay you’re noticing is actually the large deadzone in the analog sticks that exists in BC games... I was playing dead space on X1 and noticed that I had to move my right stick quite a bit before it registered aim movement. I went back and played it on the 360 and very small movements registered.

Competitive controller? Could be your expectations or awareness are higher than others when it comes to input lag?

Lived in Philly for 10 years, moved to Bmore. Same shit here 100% can confirm crushing is the way to go.

No. Absolutely no one plays BC titles. MS is just doing it because they have a lot employees and they're bored

Only really noticed it on Reach, which is sad.

Haven’t noticed any input lag, I’ll check it out.

I do and I haven’t run into many issues for the games I’ve played. Its been a pretty solid experience so far and I can’t complain.

I believe it. My built 95 Plymouth averaged over 32mpg, pulling 35+ on the hwy. That was rated at 22/27 for the 4cyl model. Mine was running a high comp 3.0 V6.

This comparison is invalid due to missing participants:

If they were in the same price range, of these two I’d choose the M2 (and perhaps with dealers trying to mark up the RS, they are). But at $55k, I’m not sure I’d want a 2 series. And at $40k I’m not sure I’d want a Focus.

I don’t understand it either, but it’s one of the big reasons I purchased one. My ‘16 GTI is a massive difference from my ‘10 Accord Coupe V6 (500+ lbs).

Am I the only one who could care less about “Drift Mode”. If you know how to drive the car you shouldn’t need a computer to kick it sideways. Also, the fastest way around a corner (on a road course) isn’t sideways.

More like it.

Are they sure the 12 year old actually stole it? The demand for bus drivers is pretty serious right now.

Drive a new base engine Z51 Corvette and let us know what you think. ;-)