
By his own account, he gained a lot from the relationship, and he thinks highly of them both and had a wonderful time with her......there was zero talk about him not getting what he needed or that he was even upset with them. And clearly the Smiths didn’t want to or weren’t ready to make this portion of their lives

I’ve been with my husband over 30 years. I doubt we put out a lot of sexual chemistry in every day life. Doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s just not as obvious as in the first few years.

Pier 1 is also where Joanna Gaines gets her inspiration*. I’m convinced.

I bought my first “grown up” furniture from Pier 1. I was either in college or just out of college but I bought a desk for my bedroom (large, white, distressed, small bookshelf on the end) and a wooden trunk. I still have both of them and while the desk could probably use a little love (there’s coffee stains and some

Yep. The experience she’s describing has happened to me every time I have pre-ordered/paid for food at McDonald’s (meaning roughly a couple times a month). They don’t start making your order until you actually show up at the restaurant. That means that if it’s busy or you have a large order, you’re asked to park and

As someone who used to work at McDonalds - lady, no one working there has the motivation to poison your food. I could barely summon the motivation to make orders at all, much less take additional steps on top of it, for the $5.75 they were paying me. 

I know a lot of places that do that. It is good business practice, kind of like comping the local mob boss’s meal. 

Thank you. This person is unfit for the job if their pressure limit is set to Average Service at a McDonalds.

Waiting an extra couple minutes for an Egg McMuffin causes a woman to spiral into teary freakout ending with her fearing for her life.
What police force thought handing a gun and a badge to Cop Karen was a great idea? WTF!? The local public pool has more stringent screening for their teenage lifeguards.

Does she think that every time McDonald’s makes you wait for your food that the employees are messing with it? Because the McDonald’s near me makes people wait all the time. I always assumed it was just. because they were busy

Anyone that has a sobbing meltdown over waiting for fast food needs to have their gun removed and to have their fitness for duty evaluated. 

Love that she snuck in there that she did the mobile order so other people wouldn’t “pay for her stuff.” You know you’re in a trod-upon profession when people are always offering to pay for your shit. 

Nothing like seeing white women pat each other about their wokeness.

The rollout of this idea has been the goofiest shit I’ve seen in a long time. IG was a bastion of on the ground info for the whole past week (just like Twitter), and now it has turned into complete romper room fuckery.

Meh.  This is every pink yogurt cup in October.  They have no interest in cancer, they have no interest in police violence.  

I mean, she takes a job in entertainment (her actual career) and she’s selling out or being an attention whore or something. She doesn’t take a job, she’s mooching off of poor old vulnerable Harry. Any job he takes it ‘cheapening the royal brand’.

That’s not the worst apology I’ve ever seen (low bar), but the bit about her privilege blinding her to the fact that for some other groups the police are not just a benign protection agency is patent bullshit. She makes a point of saying to this guy that she is going to call the police and tell them an “African

Life-long, card-carrying black person here. I. Do. Not. Care. And no lies were told.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

White men, only. Women and POC need not apply.