
Oh come on man, not you, please let the coo-coo crazy take someone else than you. We need you man, you are a damn light dude.

Oh shit, I'm not a metal fan by any means, but I love Pelican. No idea they had a new album out, sounds like a good purchase

BotA has been pretty good. The X-books have all been very good, you really need to be pretty jaded about Marvel/Superhero books in order to not at least appreciate them

yeaaaaaaaaaaaah you are full of shit. The X-books are in a new golden age, and while BotA has been slow, it's still pretty damn good.

Guys. Best. Show. On. TV.

I absolutely love it. Only next to Saga and Wolverine and the X-Men as my favorite monthly. At this point, you have to put faith in Hickman cause unlike what Morrison has become, Hickman always delivers. There is clearly a very rich and very deep tapestry to the mythology of the series, and everytime I re read an

I'm not crazy abt any of the new series in that list, however Collider sounds pretty rad. I made sure my LCS had it on pre order

I'm actually a huge fan of Dan Slott's Mighty Avengers run, it had all the trappings of a classic pre-Disassembled Avenger comics. Tons of drama and action that was fairly light hearted. Pym was really treated with respect in that book, but he earned every little part of it. While I totally adore what Waid did in that

No love for Brad Neely's JaaaaayyyyyyyayyyyFKaaay?

Why did Tank Top have to die so soon. So much potential, mostly sight gags but c'mon.

I just finished watching it twice in one sitting.

pretty much my analysis and discussion of this show is boiling down to "HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS, THIS. SHOW. AMIRITE?!"

Man I thought Geddy's voice changed with time…Frank does NOT sounds the same at all

Mad Men and Veep can get fucked, Sunday nights belong to Team Venture

I've learned so much about life from David Liebe Hart. Mostly about loving puppets, STDs and puberty but you know, important things.

Six-Gun Gorilla is the total tits on top of tits. I really wasn't expecting much, seeing how the title alone appealed to the basic reptilian part of my comic purchasing brain, but wow Spurrier really let it fly with the high concept. Great book, hope they make it an ongoing

I wish the big 2 audience as a whole would be more receptive of stuff like Solo. I love indie creators taking on superheroes outside of canon and continuity, variety being the spice of life of course. I'd def support more Solo, Wednesday Comics and Strange Adventures and the like, but I can see how casual comic buyers

Amen to that brother, Road to Hell made me miss AmVam so much. the Wake was the total balls too, that Sean Murphy is an absolute talent

Skinner is actually awesome. At first he's hate, then love to hate, then actually becomes sympathetic near the end of the current volume. He's kinda like Boyd Crowder, if you are a Justified fan

You really have to give AmVam a shot, I dislike the hell out of vampires but this is a drastically different take on them. Book is just heart breaking at times, and some seriously good artistic talent has been on the main book and the minis