Angus T. McButterpants

That would be really great with some H'amb

That guy in the top pic really needs to clean under his thumbnail, that's disgusting. Don't touch my food with your dirtthumb.

The chorus is 4/4, then you have to go back to 7/8. Maybe that's the problem, the change up.

You consider 7/8 a "fucked up" time signature? Are you new to this whole music thing?

The first rule of Lullaby is, you don't talk about Lullaby.

I think we can say that AVC dodged a bullet from Victoria Jackson not answering the request to talk about UHF. She would have just gone off on one of her unhinged rants.

I was just in NM for Geek Bowl and did the breaking bad bus tour. The lady that owns that house is not at all happy. Also, Albuquerque is the most depressing place I've ever been, and the only city I've ever seen where every house has bars on not just on the first story windows, but the second story too.

You forgot Insane Clown Posse!

The number one story today is the guy that covered himself in Mentos and got in a bath tub of diet Coke. Ugh.

I love fig newtons!

Unless you know how cable TV works and you've seen new episodes for 10 years.

Your are totally wrong and I have no idea where your stupid opions come from. Go away now, dummy. Leave.

You can set up alerts…

Somebody has to work at the 24hour Wal Mart.

It can be two things!

I would argue that Neal Stephenson books are science fantasy, especially Snow Crash and Anathem, which are both fantastic. I loved Thundarr, I had a Boxer that sounded exactly like Ookla so that's what we named him. I was surprised to hear that almost no one remembered Thundarr when I had to explain his name to

The Iron Maiden beer tastes terrible, is only 5% and is really expensive.

Kodo and Podo, the ferrets from Beastmaster. They steal women's clothes!

As you all know first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anyone wanna see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired!

There was a little independent theater here that used to have monthly horror night so I got to see "From Beyond" on 35mm in a theater. It was the first time I saw it but I love how once they broke down the wall in the basement toward the beginning, they were basically totally screwed for eternity and hell was just