
@crd22: No, I tried that solution. The hybrid drives manage the flash storage automatically using a highest-usage algorithm, over which you have little control (but to open files a lot to try and get them moved automagically to the flash). Anyway, long story short: not that great. You only see contiguous volume.

I did the Lifehacker SSD upgrade, using the OptiBay...long story short, not that excited about the results.

@ScottCowan: Uh, 3.0 doesn't run on 2.0. It's backwards compatible, not forward-compatible.

Mmm, I was an old BBSer, and remember when some of the BBSes started to include email. I don't remember what it was, but I know that it was some long convoluted address that no one could remember if they tried.

@SnowSoul: Open government doesn't exist. Such is life.

@dundermifflin: Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. So, if anything, it's showing that Ghaddafi's troops are more interested (at least in this case) in an illumination fire mission to scare off protesters...or, to illuminate their targets for max effect.

So, uh, we're tying sophisticated radio equipment used in combat situations ot whether balloons and sending them beyond the hope of recovery?

Okay, so what's stopping Indians from using a NGO DNS service to resolve .xxx TLDs?

Yes. Uh, yes, it is.

I still kinda hate Apple for leading me to believe that the original Apple TV wouldn't suck, and they haven't stuffed any new software features on there to allow it to play nice.

@JediMasta: See, in a personal level I dislike befriending people I barely know and I don't care much about catching up with those old friends. I quit FB about a year ago and didn't miss it until I rejoined, thinking I was somehow missing out. Yeah, and I quit again a few days later.

@JediMasta: See, in a personal level I dislike befriending people I barely know and I don't care much about catching up with those old friends. I quit FB about a year ago and didn't miss it until I rejoined, thinking I was somehow missing out. Yeah, and I quit again a few days later.

Not all Mac owners are hipster douches, but all hipster douches own Macs.

People organize their fonts?

@UltimateFlank: I have the 945 instead. Great values w/ AMD. That may not have always been the case, but they've certainly snagged up my business. 4 cores at 3 GHz really gets done what I need to do. I'll have to purchase a better fan for overclocking. can you recommend anything?

@The Lab: As a dude with OCD, neither seem appropriate.

@crd22: Hey, man. Be careful on this purchase! I bought the XT for my MBP hoping it would be the speed boost I was looking for. Alas, it was not. There is 4 GB of NAND on board but the HD dynamically adds/deletes files to the flash using an algorithm that places the most commonly used files. If I remember