
I have only tipped poorly, like 10% and I felt horribly guilty after, when the server was messing stuff up and very unapologetic, like 2 or 3 times. When the food sucks it’s just that the place isn’t good and no fault of the servers. I’ve had excellent service and bad food, but I just let that slide and never go back.

There’s a server underground where stories of bad tipping celebrities are exchanged. For real.

Wife and I watch the show. It’s pretty good, even if driven almost entirely by pathos.

I can’t speak to the show This is Us, or who those characters are, or the finely tuned script that allowed those characters to spend last moments together.

Sorry for your loss.

For what it’s worth, a Tineye search reveals another version of that picture that looks slightly more presentable, which suggests that maybe there’s been some small ’shopping going on —

It certainly makes sense. Then again, he could just be a physically dirty person, who’s a hardcore alcoholic. He doesn’t seem to take any pride in his appearance, which is odd, considering he’s part of Trump’s inner circle. You’d think he try to look presentable. Instead he looks like somebody who crawled out of the

I know. I was eating soup when I read this and had to push my tomato basil away.

Yes, but they were in AMERICA. In America, we clamp down on your hand like a vice, stare directly into your eyes as a display of dominance and shake until a little bit of poop falls out.

Jesus Christ. One tiny upshot to this whole national embarrassment is that I now know, without a doubt, that I am not nearly as socially awkward and embarrassing as I thought I was.

I couldn’t place who it was until near the end. And she was awesome. Hope this is recurring.

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

I started a Star Wars marathon before I heard the news about Carrie Fisher.


For you, being trapped in a hotel in North Dakota during a blizzard in subzero temperatures will be a story you tell for the rest of your life. For midwesterners, it was Tuesday.

I don’t want to Northsplain to you, Anna, but you have to rent a snowmobile. 

I loathe them. When I leave a mess in the kitchen, I expect to have the ability to ignore it by leaving the room, not sitting ten feet from a visible disaster to watch TV.

I’m in a group of people on tumblr that make fun of these shows. Top five eyeroll-inducers:

I am with you!

Same! You can get a modestly sized house for only lightly more if you’re willing to live a little further out. And then you have somewhere to get away to when you have to fart instead of just blaming it on the dog.