
#younglove How tender.

I mean really;

It’s the hellish legacy of Henry Kissinger. Oil or no oil, that good-for-nothing royal family wouldn’t be anything without his asinine idea of pinning all hope for peace and “stability” in the middle east on them. Did he ever lift a finger without causing widespread misery?

Pros: dimples, probably has good snacks

As an infertile, I give her props for keeping it real. This whole Mother Earth, every time I puke it is awesome narrative only hurts women.

It fascinates me how people can be opposed to abortion, and also opposed to every measure that effectively reduces abortions.

Yeah. Ben just said something super cunty/stupid and he’s really pleased with himself. Jen’s about to tell him she hopes his dick shrivels up and falls off. Both of these “smiles” say “I hate your fucking guts”.

I don’t see a smile. I see a “The fuck is wrong with you, dude?” look.

right? that sounded really messed up. Like it’s called adulthood....if you never seperate from your parents there is something wrong with you, and your parent.

“I do not believe mothers and daughters should be separated.”

Somehow the most horrifying thing here is that a 30 year old man told his mother to go to the store to get him a sandwich and a soda - AND SHE DID IT.

They’re all the same, anyway. Just the same shit over and over and over and over.

You guys think Glenn’s gonna bite it this season?

My cousin’s husband’s brother wrote several of the episodes for the show (including the controversial gay kiss episode)

I have an irrational hatred for Maria Menounos so I guess I’m Team Rancic on this one.

But it has to be different dicks, right? Because otherwise having sex with even your husband a bunch of times should have the same effect? The logic of this analogy confuses me...

Came here to say the same thing. GIVE THIS MAN A THIRD TERM

I thought LeAnne and Norma both had entertaining—if not realistic—back stories, but good god, the Norma worship circle annoyed me to no end. Anyone else? Maybe it was just because I binge-watched the season over a few days, but they seemed to have the same argument in every episode, and it all seemed very clunky and

I would say it was my favorite backstory, but Chang’s gets the price. Daya's mom was really good too, heartbreaking.

More realistic than Pennsatucky’s magical perfect teenage (?) boyfriend of respect and orgasms.