For some reason, the first thing that popped into my head when I watched this was "That's the spot under the floor where they buried the bodies."
For some reason, the first thing that popped into my head when I watched this was "That's the spot under the floor where they buried the bodies."
I want to meet her so badly, if only to say- "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but I just have to tell you: I love you(r voice)."
No way dude - I live here, and my entire zombie apocalypse survival plan depends on it starting somewhere else, and Britain closing its borders.
I favorite you back. <3
And no, I will not click on a link to your stupid blog.
But I really want Aunt Bernice and Jen Esposito to have a zany 70s web series where they just either crash parties or solve the mystery of the week, scooby doo style.
Straight out bragging here. I buy boxes of full size candy at Costco and give them all out. I live on a corner in a really nice house and light up the yard with inflatable ghosts and spiders and pumpkins so everyone knows there is candy here. Lots of kids get driven to the neighborhood (we see the cars) and I have a…
This woman is a twat. Lots of kids are bused into my neighborhood on Halloween night from the nearby poor/high crime areas. I don't think they're necessarily doing it for the candy, because we have our own share of cheap rich twats who pass out sub-par candy or no candy at all. I think it's more about safety. The kids…
Dear Asshole,
Celtic Studies nerd here... actually Hallowe'en has traditionally been a time of giving bread or treats to the less fortunate. In medieval Britain and Ireland, the poor would go souling, which is going house to house and offering songs or prayers for the dead of the household in exchange for food, or guising, where…
This is not just a "rich people" issue. I know plenty of middle class people in safe neighborhoods that get super pissed when carloads of kids from poorer areas get dropped off. Frankly I never understood the big deal. More kids means less candy for me to deal with later. Besides, if *I* lived in a less than safe…
Dear Prudence is often a cesspool of awful people needing awful advice for their awful problems. And then Prudence…
"I'm only 45. My dong is great." - Thomas Jane
ALL THE STARS to your pediatrician. He spoke the truth.
For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts:
His farts sound like a rip off of Bono.
She is bringing her as just another accessory.