No peeking, deer!
No peeking, deer!
How many modders are actually working on Steel Harbinger tho?
Reading this analysis, and all I could think about is what unites Americans, and it’s most likely our own collective stupidity.
Make sure you use a lower powered Pi, because using a Pi 4 for Pi Hole is a waste of resources.
The wind, my friend, the wind.
That Chimera Ant arc still f-ks me up.
Each time you change your characters’ hair colors, you’re ensuring Team Ninja will produce another uncensored game.
You’d think their Totos would have it built in. But toilet paper is a much more versatile good than regular tissue paper.
This is the same company that publishes Dengeki Hobby?
She saw right through that Rhyperior strategy. Brava.
It’s way more productive than realizing spending 300 hours playing Pokemon, most of it trying to hatch a f-ing shiny egg.
I do wonder how this works in Japan. So as long as a person doesn’t get caught with drugs or homicide, they don’t get full “cancellation?” Being arrested for a sex based crime does sound as bad as the former.
The point is the cruelty.
The goal posts, they keep shifting.
Hmm... Your Xenophobia and racism won’t save you now.
Candy Crush ATMs pls.
Every time people defend these f-ked up things, I keep thinking of this Reno 911 sketch.
But oh now, they’ll take away our Global Flyer Programs!