Bring Back Duckman!

Stantler is the Pokemon featured in the Pokemon Christmas Bash, even Delibird barley gets a mention.

From what I read about this show on io9, I’m remembering some very provocative s- that the “woke” showrunner tried to pull because it was an adult show. I can’t say I’m surprised if he wanted it to happen because it made him seem like an edgy auteur, when in retrospect it just made him look like a raging jerk as Mr.

Dang it Totilo! Pay Tim more money so he can buy a bigger coat!

Is there a real Tegridy Farms?

However, people don’t freak out when their facial data is being mined by the company that makes the app.

At this rate, all male characters will be indistinguishable from Bigfoot. Thanks Sony!

It’s like GTX vs RTX.

Don’t make Stephen King do it, Togashi. He already finished “Winds of Winter” last week!

Hello Cwhil Cwheaton.

Considering how much he and his boss hate the top cops, he’s clearly projecting.

Well, Soundland was a bust, using the Trump tactic of throwing others under the bus to save one’s hide.

Ah the Nouveau-Riche of China.

Capitalism never left this communist country.

He says “very short period of time” a lot.

I think I remember reading in an old EGM about why there were rubber ducks in Metal Gear Solid, and it may have said something along the lines of Kojima liked it and Konami made them in the old days. Now that I read about the company, the latter could be wrong as the Wikipedia page mentions nothing about toy

But I do like me some Dynamite Cop.

Just waiting for a $20 price point, boss.

Group think or Group Pressure.