Bring Back Duckman!

Looks like you need good timing, but more easier to comprehend than Guile’s consecutive Sonic Booms.

I think Arkham City did it better with the Catwoman side of the DLC as it blended into the main story, giving the player a bit of a break. A shame it wasn’t incorporated into New Game +.

Competitively priced.

I watched Fresh Off the Boat last night and the baby was dressed as Yoshi.

“They’re taking it seriously”.

Literally the type of doublespeak that stops people from unionizing. It’s not the overt fear that gets workers, it’s the subliminal.

RSVP Mario Bros. May your shambling corpses terrify the inhabitants of every kingdom, everywhere.

Getto daze.

I liked it! The pilot was pretty self aware about what kind of show Charmed on the WB/CW was and managed to make it quite entertaining and sharp. It reminded me of the Magnum PI reboot episode I watched 23 hours before. I do want to watch the next episode considering tv shows are like pancakes.

Makes sense, but what stiff competition will they face during the holiday season as opposed to the end of the school year?

If they actively commit to the sterilization of their produce, wouldn’t that make the situation worse for them? 

I’ve had plenty of Brazilians say this is NOT Trump vs Ajit Pai, but DAVID DUKE vs Ajit Pai. If one actively promotes the false illusion of “White Supremacy” by any means especially in a country like that, it is very worrying.

Region free carts, not sure if your country will allow you to import it.

Damn Yankees don’t believe in the heart of the cards. That’s why they lost. Phooey.

It looks sterile, but wow, that fish cannot be safe to eat.


Wuh? Do they think this is Michael Jackson’s more woke brother or something? Or are young South Koreans really more politically knowledgeable compared to a young American?