The 40th Day? Meh. I still liked "The Fucking Daylights"...
The 40th Day? Meh. I still liked "The Fucking Daylights"...
@Microshock: While Microsoft is willing to pay for exclusives, I don't think a head-start on demos like Wheelman are high on their list.
@StarTropicana: You make a valid comparison. Dead on, even... But please don't remind me of that portion of Uncharted. It totally brought me down, man.
@deejwitaj: With any luck, these ones will freak you out by scampering along walls and ceilings...
@phreakindee: Don't act like that wasn't awesome. +1 for teacup kills.
Between this and the Riddick demo yesterday, this week has become Vin-possibly action packed!
I remember way back in 1992 when I had to scrape together the cash to get Matt Hazard & Jazzmotron in Assault on the Planet Funky on the Genesis. It was easily the best co-op game at the time. Heck, it's still one of the better experiences to play with a friend nowadays. The over-head view of the game and the ability…
@ShadowOdin, representing the people of Malmö, Sweden: You might as well be shouting down the same empty hallway as Mr. Moore himself. The licensing gears have been spinning for a while now, and all you get to enjoy is a fresh wave of ice-cold irony.
@Gorilla Snow is hot for Snorlax: *Looks over at 360, then to the copy of The Orange Box in my hand. A tear rolls down cheek.*
@zgreenwell: Unless things have changed in the couple months I've been away from it, I never really had problems like that. If you can find a packed room, there won't be the space needed to switch teams and everyone is forced to stay put. If you can get into a good room, the game is an absolute blast.
@pakuni: I honestly didn't think about it quite like that. Good point.
@skik08: I'll agree. It's a big change from the standard FPS games out there and even if you're lacking a lot of skill, it's still fun as hell to play.
@Skinney: Same here. Home seems sort of useless and rigid. I'll just play my games right from the PS3 dashboard...
@Methusalah: Even beyond that, I find that something as fast-paced as Warhawk will more likely than not require you to tweak your strategy on the fly (no pun intended) when things go horribly wrong. It's a nice idea, but in practice I don't think this adds any sort of depth to actually getting things done in the game.
@kpugs: The game comes out in April, but the demo will be released next month...which is not April.
@ThursdayNext: You're in the clear, pal. The PS3 version of Dark Athena also includes Butcher Bay at no addition charge. Enjoy!
My day just improved by 38%. Thank you, unicorn friend.
@izzy_k: Look closely.
@Gantz: Your Trusted Friend in Science.: Maybe she fell down a well again...
@Snacky_Smores: I'll be in line with you. Any chance to play Riddick again, complete with redesigned graphics, new areas, and a whole new campaign is one I'm going to take!