Wievo Suns, a Rebel leader from Kuar.
Wievo Suns, a Rebel leader from Kuar.
Damn that insidious Cancer-Industrial Complex!!!
No way. Not a double facepalm. This is so stupid, so inappropriate, so callous, so tone deaf, it deserves all of the scorn Starfleet’s finest can muster. No, my friend. THERE ARE FOUR FACEPALMS!!!
Or combine coffee and Star Trek. I have no idea what Raktajino is (outside of Kingon...coffee?), but I want some. The crew of Deep Space 9 always seemed super well caffeinated.
I still don’t know what a House of Horrors Match is...
My brain also jumped straight to Wallace Shawn, but in a slightly different role:
Well then did WWE have a match ending for you tonight! #allhailthemaharaja
Jack Marston is the Wesley Crusher of video game characters.
Ditto this for Arabic.
Jeez... This guy couldn’t be a bigger stereotype if his name was Hoggish Greedly and was thwarted by the Planeteers every Saturday morning.
Especially considering that Luke tried and failed to restart the Jedi order, it seems logical to me that he means that it’s time for the Jedi as an institution to end, not that he’s abandoned the light side of the force.
In addition to the pile-on effect of hearing how bad the game was and wanting to check it out for themselves, Day One: Garry’s Incident also suffered from the pile-on effect caused by being dicks about negative YouTube coverage. It’d be interesting to see a before and after of review percentage and review volume for…
iPhone 5 is OBSOLETE!!!
Brady needs to start hiring the same security that WWE does for all of their events...
Broken Matt DELETED the competition before the match started, but Brother Nero was shelved for Attitude-era Jeff. I’m guessing Anthem may have some legitimate claim to the Broken Universe that WWE hasn’t completely figured out how to get around yet and didn’t want to push it too far.
Maybe it’s just me wanting to give AJ’s booking the benefit of the doubt, but I wonder if they were holding his dance card open for Finn’s return, only for Finn to have some kind of setback, causing them to have to scramble with 5-6 weeks left before the show.
+1 badly sold Stone Cold Stunner.
Thank god for DDP Yoga, I guess?