John Paulson

you're not nearly nerdy enough to be reviewing this show if you don't know what a pi is. they're everywhere. i've got a model b and a 2-b. it's an exaggeration to say they can do everything a pc can do. sure you can run a word processor or browser on one, but they're underpowered for most multimedia (i've been

very good show, gradually breaking its formative cliches down. beautiful cinematography. lucid soundtrack. excellent, uniform performances. clever dialog. great pacing, not boring so far, and like i said seems to anticipate my skepticism. feeling good about it so far, hoping it holds up.

all good replies, but i still feel unconvinced that the only options are what pilcher has offered, and there's gotta be at least a few people bright enough to suggest something different… something that a lot of people would have an easier time going along with. someone previously commented that they should have told

so… (first time commenting on tvclub btw— love how quick and thorough you guys are)