
“Somehow, a new player-created holiday became a story about conflict, betrayal and the disappearance of an entire civilization.”

So, they invented Thanksgiving?

I can say I have mayor fear. As a woman most of my interests are male orientated, so 95% of my friends are guys. I’m a very caring and loving person and I cherish my friends but... I constantly fear they would confuse my care for them as interest and think they can extract everything from me for free, from money to

Here is the solution to all of your problems:


Phos-Check/Fire-Trol is turning the freaking frogs gay

Some of them got darker...

Good to know that random stray dogs are shown more respect and dignity by the police than human fucking beings who happen to have dark skin.

I’m seeing some Chuck Mcgill inspiration in May’s transformation.

That one person isn’t responsible for what happens to the other soldiers. The NK regime is responsible. He won his freedom. That is a good thing.

Pedantic Man sex: “Not a Jeep

Are the stolen Teslas now called Edisons?

What would happen if there’s an accident? Hmm. I’m not exactly sure, but I believe there would be an algorithm activated called GoAroundIt.

If they’re autonomous electric cars that communicate with each other then there won’t be much of an issue since you don’t have to worry about the inchworm effect of people waiting for the car ahead of them to start moving. The whole thing can move as a unit. Program your exit number and let the car worry about merging

Except white washing isn’t really just a racial issue. It’s a cultural one. Japan has almost no white people. It’s super homogenous. There are almost no white people to act nor ones to represent in the audience. The US has Asian people and Asian actors. They just get skipped over for white actors. That’s why white

Gita: Here’s a nuanced journey of someone dealing with the personal/societal implications of both being racially/culturally represented and misrepresented in the arguably the most successful show of all time.

It will go from 0-60 in two poin... ONE POINT NINE seconds... Do one hundred and fif.... TWO HUNDRED and fifty miles per hour... And have a three hund... SIX HUNDRED and twenty mile range... Yeah...That’s it...

Find out just how badly they want to sell the fully loaded one. “The one I want doesn’t have X,Y,Z. The one you have has X,Y,Z. I would be willing to accept X,Y,Z, but I’m not going to pay for X,Y,Z.”

Cars being sold at dealer only auctions can be searched by dealerships but not the general public. Manheim Auto Auction has thousands of cars that wouldn’t be listed on the other sites until they reached a dealers inventory and were listed by them.

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