Need more side-pipes. :D
Need more side-pipes. :D
Ugh... Williamsburg.
I know I’m close to a year late... but Helios is the sun, not the wind.
Starred for suicide doors.
Or he was never after you in the first place...
I believe one of the editors/primary contributors/wizards has to follow you.
The steering wheel is the wrong side, no wonder they were giving it away!
I've decided you should start watching it, and comment on the law in every episode. You have free time, right? :P
Except of last week's Better Call Saul!
How do I star your shirt...?
British nickname for Jeremy.
I'm not sure that makes her crazy. ;)
Just without the character development...
It sounds like most of that you liked about RID are the parts that Animsted did so well.
But eating babies... that's paleo, right?
And make extra money by renting it to Hollywood?
Hood ornament style!
I support spreading the truth about Hydrox, but the Oreo looks better.
Shouldn't it be "Keep Calm and Clarks On?"