"Miss America Admits to Being a Bitch, But Not, Like, a Super Bad Bitch"
"Miss America Admits to Being a Bitch, But Not, Like, a Super Bad Bitch"
If ABC had reached out, they would have known that since the story ran, we've learned more, and that things are still developing on our end. It would have been a tougher interview.
she is just a performance artist who is testing new costume for Halloween. Soon Franco will write poetry about her.
I could be wrong, but from what I remember, they murdered the mom and then put her body in the suitcase, put the suitcase in a cab and then disappeared? The cops found them sleeping in a hotel a few miles away. Or am I thinking of another gruesome murder story? I need to fill my mind with other things. Someone send…
National Hero.
Anyone who decides against the measure because of a couple of chosen words by someone on air isn't really into the matter at all anyway.
This was so smart for the purposes of raising money. If she would have quit politely, even on air, no one would have heard about this. I don't like "If I offended anyone, I apologize." because being offensive was a conscious choice on her part. Maybe more along the lines of "I prefer to not offend people, but…
yo if that worked i would quit my job r n.
Totally the shrugs that make it.
Just read about this over at Deadspin. Epic walkoff. The shrug made it a classic.
My sockpuppet senses are tingling as well about this one.
Here's the thing. Of course it was basic feminism 101 because so many people do not understand what feminism is at all. You need to have a strong foundation to build your work upon. This was the launch of the initiative. Action will come. Right now, this is the outline.
I'm going be a bit of a Debbie Downer and point out that Watson's talking points were a) pretty basic Feminism 101 and b) a little bit shallow with little in terms of objectives. I genuinely appreciate these celebrities volunteering their time to promote worthy causes, and I am a fan of the possibility of the UN's…
Well if Dems always say she's too conservative and Repubs always say she's a leftist commie, that makes her about right in my book. You have to give and take in politics and she talks about that in her book I just read, Living History. The people from liberal nonprofits and other liberal organizations who supported…
Is your insomniac friend Swedish? Because if she's not, and doesn't live in Sweden or a similar country with universal health care, then that comparison makes no sense.
Wait a second, let me get this straight:
I think it speaks volumes about gender inequality in our country that there are exactly zero Women's Ership Rums out there. What is this, the 1940s? Get on it Hilary!