Yeah, it doesn't really make any sense. Your face/head is the most sensitive part of your body short of a direct shot to the heart and even with a Kevlar helmet, your face is a bigger target than your heart.
Yeah, it doesn't really make any sense. Your face/head is the most sensitive part of your body short of a direct shot to the heart and even with a Kevlar helmet, your face is a bigger target than your heart.
Safe if you're wearing bio hazard level respirators apparently. Otherwise, might as well take the bus and pick up smoking.
If it's discovered a plane has been hi-jacked that's on it's way to NYC early enough, the Feds will handle it and try to take it down over the water or as low of a population area as possible.
If it's discovered a plane has been hi-jacked that's on it's way to NYC early enough, the Feds will handle it and try to take it down over the water or as low of a population area as possible.
On a non US carrier though. The thought of sleeping with an American flight attendant makes me want to vomit.
You mean I can order food online and have it delivered to my door? How amazing... for 1999.
Why all the theory crap? Get a few dozen corpses, send em to Mythbusters and have them run through all the possible explanations and see which one causes these effects.
Never understood FB commenting on other sites. It's bad enough you have to watch what you say and do on FB but now you're invited to censor yourself on every other site you comment on as well?
So basically the iPhone 5 is the iPhone 4 with the latest version of iOS (which the iPhone 4 will also get) and LTE (assuming you even have LTE coverage in your area) which will be marginally faster than 3G because the networks will cap the speeds and data so much that it won't even matter.
They can't even get the current gen fighters to work and in some cases, built but they're already trying to throw money at the next gen?
Facebook got to where it was because it offered the basic features people wanted without the mess of a UI that MySpace offered.
Yeah and every jet in the sky is loaded to the gills with highly flammable jet fuel. If the airship is designed properly, it's not a significant issue.
Why are campaign contributions always some stupid, arbitrary number? $185,339?
First off, what you wear makes no difference unless you've got some personal, mental thing that makes you think you're more productive if you're dressed in a monkey suit for no reason. If that's the case, great for you, most people don't give a damn and it won't make a difference.
So just find the cable to the antennae and cut it. Take a pic of what you did while holding up a big middle finger and send it to OnStar.
Or you could stay home where you've already got an Xbox 360, hot dogs and a TV to watch football or whatever other stupid sport you like. Best of all, you don't end up pissing away your money on poorly made furniture that makes your house look like a dorm room.
You don't need unions for this. There are government agencies in place to take care of this sort of thing. What we need is to fire the idiots in the government who aren't doing their job and forcing proper working conditions. Unions are just a band-aid on a gunshot wound. Helps for a bit, then ends up making…
"a giant, sophisticated military power" what, is it the 1980s? Their military is a joke compared to what it was. They can't even get their own GPS system fully deployed, almost a decade after the US had theirs fully operational. I think the fact that they can't get a remote controlled plane that's smaller than some of…
Faceless organization? What face does Google have? It's turkey neck, ex-CEO that can't stop saying stupid things in public or it's co-founders that look like mutant rat men? The only face Google has is an image of the devil with dollar signs for eyes.
South Central needs a lot of things but not an artsy water fountain that'll be vandalized within the first 48 hours it's left out.