
Damn those things are ugly but you sure can tell it was designed by Lady Gaga. She left a huge space there to accommodate her big ass nose.

How could she have eaten the roach whole like that? Does this woman chew her food or what?

Nice. But I don't think I've found an app yet that I wanted that wasn't already on Installous. And before you whine about stealing. I've honestly purchased more apps since downloading pirated copies than I did before. Why? I get to try before I buy. Why Apple doesn't build some 1 week or 30 day trial system into iOS

"But doesn't it seem like every day animals are dying en masse?"

Who funds these things? Aren't there diseases and disorders that could use more attention?

If it doesn't still make toast, it's not a kitchen appliance. FAIL

@Priper: Still makes no sense. What does Key West have to do with Jersey trash? Is it supposed to symbolize all the trash that's washing up on Florida's beaches or something?

People need to stop calling Vegas "sin city". It's Disney Word with casinos.

Why don't they just install cheap plastic chairs on a conveyor belt like they have in airports so you can sit?

Shake your own love, I've got a GF for that.

They thought Steve Jobs would actually do something to help anyone besides Apple or himself? Silly fools.

Cool, so they'll have some nice wallet sized pics after all the killing is over.

This is complete BS. English is spoken far more than any other language when you combine first language and second language speakers. It's the primary language of international business and science. Just because a bunch of Chinese make a ton of webpages in Mandarin doesn't mean any of it will be useful or relevant to

How would this ease network congestion? It's all connecting back to the same network. This is just a slow secondary pipe. Most office buildings are fitted with gigabit ethernet to each cubicle/office anyhow. It's cool tech but by the time it's fast enough to compete with 802.11n, we'll be on Gigabit Wi-Fi or faster.

@Batmanuel: Actually all the 3D blah blah blah in general is overkill. We get it; movie studios found a gimmick to sell overpriced tickets and get people to re purchase old movies. TV makers are using the same gimmick to entice people to replace their perfectly good TV with a newer model that shows crappy quality 3D.

You can get them a life. It's something few audiophiles already have and it makes a great stocking stuffer!

Great, instead of working on a fix for all the current iPhone 4 owners and all the millions more they will sell to, they've just moved on. Thanks Apple for the crappy design work, engeneering, testing and ability to handle fucking things up. Thanks also for the awesome 1-2 bars I usually get. And a free, ugly ass

So it took 8 years to go from almost no space program to putting a man on the moon using early 60's technology but it's going to take 10 years just to start testing a launch system in which all the components have already been created and successfully tested and using technology that's 50 years more advanced? NASA,

Since when has Mexico patroled it's border aside from major crossings? Mexico's second largest source of income is from Mexican's sending money from the US back to their families in Mexico. They have no incentive to patrol the US border.

All this time and energy to find out who the model was for the painting. Then whey they finally find out, they'll be like, "yep, so that's who it is... what do we do with our lives now?"