
Katy. Honey.

I teared up and cried a bit. My husband, however, ugly-sobbed his way through it. It was amazing.

Am I wrong in thinking this is a bad idea? Birth control isn’t like aspirin. You should talk to your doctor to decide what dosage or type of hormone is best for you. To make it OTC seems dangerous.

I found this gem too :

I’m guessing some of her lyrics involve telling girls that being molested by a family member is a bad thing. Huckabee can’t have any of that nonsense going around.

Isn’t it amazing how Mike Phuckabee thinks that letting young girls listen to Beyonce is bad parenting?

What we’re seeing is tribalism. They’re defending their precious Christian white male at all costs. If he were anything outside of them, they would be praying for his death and wishing him to go to hell.

“Boys always do this. This happens in many families” Holy crap. It’s ALWAYS wrong, too. I also love that these people are still more concerned with him, and how it affects worries about the girls that did not get help....

“Why is your bodily autonomy so important to you people? Gah, just let us control you and your life path, already.”

Well, according to their Facebook supporters this is all thanks to the liberal media, gossip lovers, and atheists. Because, you know, that’s the only people who should ever be outraged by child molestation. Religious people get it.

So, I guess God does answer prayers.

“Why is abortion so important to you people?”

Well, they were probably more than likely blamed for what happened. Man cannot control himself around such wanton behavior as sleeping.

If Duggar was not from a prominent right-wing cult, or was Black, gay, or had molested boys, Huckabee and all the other Duggar apologists would be screeching a very different tune.

I love how the girls - the real victims - have become completely invisible in all this. And when I say love, I mean “I would like to set someone’s face on fire”.

Mama June sucks, but she ain’t wrong.

The irony is that a free spirited, independent young woman with New Agey views like Willow Smith would not be super welcome at Mecca.

Dude, women have been fired over having revenge porn of them posted to the internet. Women have faced harassment and humilation for it, too.
In a perfect would your response would be everyone’s reaction (god, what a scumbag instead of god, she’s such a fucking slut), but that is definitely not the world we live in and