
Homophobia and misogyny are not twins. Throughout history societies have shown that you can be one without being the other. In fact, societies that were widely accepting of homosexuality, well male homosexuality, were, strangely enough, the most misogynistic.

By the way, the guy in question is not 47 as someone on twitter pointed out, he’s 57. Also, he was already married prior to this wedding. I guess according to Islam he can have multiple wives but I still have trouble understanding how they got around the federal law prohibiting bigamy/polygamy in Russia which, despite

“The public criticism this piece alludes to? Comes from within Chechen culture as well as from without.”

That’s a very slippery slope. Two consenting adults having sexual intercourse out in public is generally looked down upon and mostly illegal. Would you be okay with people having sex on a mall bench if that’s just “them doing them”?

I don’t really understand why we are comparing the two. Homophobia and misogyny are completely different issues. While they do overlap for some (gay women for example), they do not go hand in hand.

Which culture is not repressed though? I can’t really think of one.

“I happen to agree with you, actually”

I don’t understand what you are talking about and have a suspicious feeling that neither do you.

There is no correlation between gender equality and the percentage of women vs men in colleges. Women represent a (slight) majority of college/university students in the majority of the countries on this planet, both Western and non-Western, but it does not change the fact that women are still disadvantaged in all

Are you implying that the only reason why a woman might chose to work is because it is “necessary” and her family cannot afford to live one only one-income? Strangely enough, most of the working women I know work because they genuinely enjoy what they are doing, me included.

Well, since MRAs collectively shat their pants over it, I’m going to go with yes, it’s a pretty feminist movie.

Why is a picture of Michael Fassbender the header of this article? Not that I’m complaining, but why?

The crowd appears to be awfully quiet.

I genuinely cannot understand how any of this can be legal. How can doctors blatantly lie to their patients and spread false information?

I don’t get this hate for Natalie Portman, at all. She’s a pretty good actress and a very beautiful and smart woman. Plus I appreciate her involvement in helping out children and women in developing countries. She seems like someone I would like to be friends with, tbh.

My mother was pretty awful. Emotionally manipulative and sometimes physically abusive, hell she pointed a knife at me at one point.

I find this very scary too. That’s tens of millions of people who believe that a woman’s health, emotional well-being and, most importantly, life have no value at all. We’re basically still breeding chattel to them.

I’m going to assume that the poll was conducted among the general, broader public, not only among those who identified as Democrats or Republicans. Maybe independents/liberterians/apoliticals/whatever tend to be more pro-choice and brought the 25% between the Dems. and the Reps. down to 12.

Well, such an ignorant argument shows that some people just don’t understand (or don’t want to understand) what overpopulation is. They assume that it just about people running out of space to walk/live.

Ever heard of the “the entire world population could fit into the state of Texas” argument?