
But her weave wasn't that "Remi Yaki" shiny barbie doll shit. It looked like my hair. It was kinky and big and frizzy as if it grew out of her head like that. It was and still is fabulous. Weave or not, the texture is what made the difference.

"I look forward to continuing to use The Economist during layovers as a way to confirm what I have known, ultimately, for a decade: that my brain is full of gummy bears and loose MP3 files, and has no room for detailed geopolitical information."

Yep, it's true.

Agreed but i still love this show. So addicted...

It's just aiiight. I'm not sure I'm a fan of "fake Drake" just yet and those girls are Stiff.

Oh yeah it is an older book. I forgot about that. I read it in 2012. It may still have some relevance. Let me know what you think and how it may compare some things you've experienced. And yes, it's talks about it being a culture versus a color and how there's black creole and white creole and a mix of both,

You're welcome! It's a very interesting read. Enjoy!

Yes, it's called "White By Definition: Social Classification in Creole Louisiana" by Dr. Virginia R. Dominguez.

Oh good lord. For real? I'll check that out. I also saw mention of Cape Verde. I a read an a very good ethnography on the history of creole culture in Louisiana for my anthropology research methods class. They do have some colorist/ slave mentality ways....Mostly the older folks though. I was hoping that wasn't the

"In less sexy, and frankly, kind of sad Amber Rose news, her family didn't attend her wedding to Wiz Khalifa because he's black, which "still upsets her to this day."

Ok, yes.

Fuck that shit. I watch waaaaay to much ID channel to let anyone walk home alone. Child or not.

Yeah, I know someone who wears them on occasion or at least used to when she went out. She's a big girl and they hold everything in place. While I can see the difference and she does look good they just look waaaaay too uncomfortable as hell. However, they make her feel better about how she looks.

And he looks like he's coming for me in that first pic! I love it.

The size of her breasts look painful and make my sad for her.

How do you know how people know her? We all know her from being a fly girl on In Living Color. Just b/c you have no idea about her start in doesn't mean the rest of us don't.

Plenty of people do know who she is. Stop hatin'. I get it you have a problem with her but damn...

Okay just so you know SHE IS A DANCER. A damn good one and a choreographer. Why do folks not know that? She is a dancer by trade. Trained and skilled for the Gods.

Good to see she's back. I was wondering about her.

Chile tell it...At that hour, I'm rolling over for round 2.