
Yes! Tear that banana up!

The AFA makes me so mad. I wanna sign it 100 times a day for the next week. But I signed already. I hope they go down!

You never know what's going on behind closed doors or what she's doing or if she's coping or not. I have often wondered what must going on in her head. My mom and I met her years ago. I still like and respect her and I hope she's able to just make it out with her sanity and some damn peace. I have no idea what I

Yes, Dylan can get it. Yes.

Girl yes!!..."Go downtown and eat it like a vulture.."

That's why I love Raven. That was an eloquent response.

That dog is my spirit animal. All damn day.

It reminds me of Madam Secretary. I liked well enough. It kept my attention.

Why is that dog back there and what's going on in the photo???? BUT he is Fine!!! Panty explode emoji...Is that a thing?

I agree and I looooove me some Nicki M too.

So cute.....But not sure if i'd want a ferret on my baby.

It's funny, when you say switch, I don't think of a simple light switch but those big ass fuse box switches that require both hands. The industrial ones that light up entire cities and shit.

The Hell?? That video is insane. I don't even know what to say.. Not to mention all I see are dicks when I look at a bananas anyway so that makes it twice as funny!

Ok, can someone please explain Kirk's decent into madness? Is there a time line or an incident that lead him to be this batshit/apeshit? I'm really interested in knowing WTF happened to him. Or was he always like this and we just didn't know it.

What the hell is wrong with these weird ass little mothafuckas? What happenned or didn't happen to them?!

Praise God for Magic Mike. Have mercy!!

Ok, I'm further along now in season 7....Annabeth Gish isn't a good fit in that role. Also, her uniform makes her look like she's playing dress up. It's actually too big. Do they not notice?? that annoys me. As for the role of Althea (odd ass name for her) I am so not feeling it. It needs someone else. The chemistry

Whatever. Fuck that Heifer. Yeah I said it too. Her apology was fake and this did not happen by mistake or accident. She new what she was doing when she signed off on it. She should just own up to it.

Whatever....Heifer isn't body shaming AND she is a damn heifer in my book. All damn day.

If they didn't have permission to use the actual music, did they just have the actor sing "Aaliyah type" music for the movie? I couldn't bring myself to watch it.