
I like Bacon much more than lemons. Am I a freak or a man?

I still rock my skinny jeans and they look hella good. Imma get my money's worth....

Cool! You and Zack can join me and Idris (my imaginary boyfriend) on a double date.:-)

Of course Nicki can rip shit when she needs to but....Thick Chicks Unite. I like it. And I say this as a true child of hip hop.

Never mind I see know Scottishfold Munchkin.....fancy pants....:-)

I'm a dog chick but that kitten is GORGEOUS. Those eyes and those ears.....What kind is it and i want one. Anyone know???

I can't stand that fool but to each is own. (Even of it's stupid)

This fool decided to birth 19 + children. Why in the hell does this BS surprise anyone? She's mentally ill. And stupid.

Heeeeeeeyyyyyy John Smith. What's up?

That "remake everyone else's video to mock them" bullshit is so damn 90's. Put that shit to bed already...She's a boring, bland ass, dumb dumb.

That "remake everyone else's video to mock them" bullshit is so damn 90's. Put that shit to bed already...She's a boring, bland ass, dumb dumb.

I'm Woke and hopefully others Woke the fuck up. *pumps fists, signs list*

"My baby elephant won't let my lab puppy sleep."..What I would give to be able to say shit like that. That is too damn cute!

Yes!! When I was a little girl my parents took me to the circus. at first it was all good. Weirdo clowns doing their thing etc....But then I saw and heard them crack that whip and it freaked me the fuck out. Those poor tigers and elephants!!! My mom and dad tried their best to explain to me that the animals weren't

That's a great point. They'll end up ruining it for those of us who know what the good stuff is.

True but erotica becoming mainstream might carve out a decent place for it so that's not so shunned and looked down upon b/c of ignorance...maybe? maybe not.

I read the book and I can't see how they're gonna have as much sex in the movie as the book without it being NC-17. Now granted, it's not a classic by any means but I want to see some full on action b/c that's the only reason I read the damn book. Sex sex and more sex.

Well Shit on grits. Why do they have to be so terrible? I love Jimmy John's. Those yummy sandwiches are everything to me. They might put crack in the bread or something b/c that shit is addictive. I don't fuck with their mayo though. I use my own (Duke's).

Friday night my friend told me that was a wig, and I though she was lying! I couldn't believe it! Why would they make him wear a wig? Then i started watching House of Cards on Sunday where he's proudly bald and good looking..... I now kinda think from a previous post that he may loose it or something from that

And fuck that coffee pot too.