
Just give me my full Captain Cold series, dammit. I love the way Wentworth plays him, he is such a dick and he is so good at it, it's amazing.

He was the fucking worst on the Ark and now he is probably my fave character.

I was really hoping he didn't take the pill and faked it, but in the very last second his face changed (very subtly by played by Henry Ian Cusick, all the kudos to him) so he probably did. In any way, ALIE would have known and Jaha would just shoot Abby there and then so he didn't really have a choice :(

For a moment, Kane was Jesus and it was good.

I just want Abby and Kane to be together and happy, not brainwashed and torturing each other!

We should become friends because we have the same thoughts.
In addition to your point, Josh also thought that it was amazing that such an accomplished person was into her. Greg is able to see Rebecca beyond that and in spite of her shortcomings. Greg and Rebecca both need to grow and get their shit together before they…

Rafael is definitely going to jail, right?!?!? Those abs are gonna cause him trouble there probably - he should immediately introduce himself a mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.

And they killed him right after he said Raven was the last person he had left. :'''(

RIP Sinclair… Dammit, I loved him so much :''''(

He probably watched the prequels first so that's why he is wrong about what makes a Jedi a jedi, but yeah, that would have been amazing. Barry has been off of his game lately.

Oh Barry, this is what happens when you take like a 10 minute break to gloat when you had the chance to end Zoom there and then.
So the man in the mask is the real Jay Garrick, right??!??
And I supposed Wally will somehow end up with some part of Zolomon's speed and become Kid Flash?

Josh is not the brightest! And Rebecca tried pretty hard to make it look like it was nothing.

I wouldn't have been surprised if she showed up with a sledgehammer and smashes Rebecca's legs!!

All I want from next season is to have a love ballad sung in the rain (preferably shirtless) by David Hull!!!

You and me both, sister! Rebecca and Greg are self-sabotaging idiots, they're totally meant to be.

Josh is so totally going to bail on that scene now that he knows why Rebecca is in WC. This is the dude who wouldn't just seal the deal with a 15-year old relationship, he can't take the realness of Rebecca's situation.
Greg is going to suffer and will be filled with regret. I am sad.

Paula should have been the crazy ex-girlfriend of next season because she is legit insane. I'd get a restraining order.

So Michael dies and Rafael ends up in jail (for a bit at least) for insider trade? I want none of these things.


damn he was rocking that orange jumpsuit, i might die if he went full nude.