
One of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life: "Carpe diem" written on CSM's fireplace!

Even Merlyn knows it!

It was so funny that the gist of it was "you lied to me so I'll become a forensic scientist and steal your job"

He's 6'4"… that tall beaker of water.

I'm more and more convinced that Wally from Earth 2.0 is actually Zoom. I don't think he'll become Flash on Earth 1.0. But I love him nevertheless.

damn, he was incredible in Warrior. Him and Joel both.

I become more and more like Aunt Gayle every day. We do have the same criteria for men: "be a man, have a face, be able to go out"

He mouths "she dumped me"

"If the show is based in Portland, why is it filmed in Seattle?" "Tax reasons"

AV Club, I love you but I don't think you know how Tumblr works?

Important question: is this worth watching to catch a glimpse of Santino? Asking for a friend.

That love declaration scene almost killed the movie for me, it was pretty great otherwise.

It totally was a glorified Lifetime movie - it barely even mentioned mental illness while it was really discussed and felt in the book (which wasn't any better either).

I really enjoyed the movie except the actual love confession scene itself. It felt at odds with the rest of the movie.


I think in hindsight the show's downfall was focusing too much on Jenny at some point. She was a sweet, nice girl who was trying to understand and get into the prestigious (?) Upper East Side world then they did a lot of weird stuff to her character, making her "raccoon eyes" and from there the show got so repetitive

I lit*erally came down to quote that. Well done sir.

While I love the David Anders shout-out, I would totally put the cast of iZombie also as an ensemble because damn they have amazing chemistry, all of them!
Great list.

Kylo Ren is the woooOOOOOooorst.
