
Barry is late for everything.

I loved "Garden State" as a 18 year old, trying to figure out life and things because it was about that. It opened me up to the amazing world of sad indie music. But in hindsight, I think it's a movie that's like a first year philosophy major - he is trying to be all deep and insightful and talking about the universe

oh oliver, that's something EXACTLY moira would have done!

the casting director for all the shows kinda hinted at the possibility of there being yet another show. it's apparently under cloaks and wraps.

That's like Immortals 101 - if they leave something behind, get rid of it, don't just leave it behind!

I'm 115% convinced that it's the kid in the grave.
a) That would explain why only Oliver and Barry were at the grave because they are the only ones who know the truth.
b) William does not exist in the comics so they can have more freedom/flexibility to do whatever.

they kinda make it look like it, but given how important felicity is to oliver, he's do apeshit crazy if that was to happen and become a worse human than he was in season 1 with constantly on a murderous rage. i think they want to make oliver lighter and better so i don't think that might be the thing.
his son however…

Well, i can't blame her, Jay is HOT.

Whomever is the stunt double for David Ramsey (or is he doing all of them himself? Not sure) is doing an AMAZING job. He was BRUTAL in that fight scene at the beginning.


Greek! He was such a jerk there but I still liked him as an actor, he was able to make Evan more-faceted than the pretty frat boy.

The cast is phenomenal, I love everyone in this bar!

he needs to grow a beard and wear glasses… i like hurting my ovaries even more!

Stealing a line from Tom Haverford, RAVI IS CUTE WITH EVERYONE!

I think he forgave his mom pretty easily, too! I thought he had every right to be pissed.


Can they kill of Ray and replace him with Constantine on LoT? Then I will watch it!
Though Captain Cold punching him on the face kinda sold me on the show.

that would be fun to watch!

I kinda hope now that's the case, but I doubt that it's going to happen given how they like screwing up Natasha's stories.
