
the verger baby looked too big to be what should be a 3 year old with the time jump, but oh well, i'm happy they made it out alive

It was beautiful.
It really was. I am still in denial about the cancellation, but regardless of whether it'll ever come back or not, I think this served as a great finale. They died in each other's arms, what a way to go!
I also thought that Bedelia had done the deed herself, but Bryan Fuller in an interview said that

Quinn King - YES! Even though she is manipulative and mostly terrible, she pushes people to achieve what they actually want. She is amazing.

It's weird that Gambit has had most of his storylines in the comics with Rogue but the movies constantly ignore that.

IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. And this is only the second time I'm ever watching full-on WWE wrestling! I was seriously thrilled during the match between Cena and Rollins. I gasped several times during when the referee was calling it and either of them got up last second.
And Amell. Wow. I seriously didn't think he was really

"Is Hannibal in love with me?"
The show officially has no chill left and it is glorious. I DON'T WANT IT TO END.

What We Do In the Shadows is just incredible and every scene makes me laugh so hard, I love it!

Watch him in "North and South", his voice does things to ovaries. In one scene he simply says "look back at me" and it just kills.

The look Will gave when Walter dissed him in favor of watching baseball was glorious. He was all "this is not my son". I bet he'd preferred it if Walter instead suggested to talk about stray dogs or crime scenes.

The last thing I've seen her in was that rom-com with Chris Evans. Look, Chris Evans can have chemistry with a loaf of bread, but somehow MM and Evans looked horrible together.


Same! She is incredible and I find her strangely inspiring?

I watched all of UnReal this weekend and I am constantly mesmerized by it. I really don't like reality TV but I also had no idea about the mechanizations behind it. I like the show has two strong female characters who are not really likeable. And " a glorious garbage fire of a person on most days" is an amazing way to

their hug with them both crying and the clock constantly looming in the background kills me every time - and then especially when buffy comes back and you realize it's a repeat of the day and angel knows it but buffy doesn't… dammit.
it was the best buffy/angel relationship episode tbh

that episode was great and scary as hell (mostly because the idea of possessed kids is the scariest thing for me)

totally agree

His "Much Ado About Nothing" was amazing and probably is the best Whedon movie IMHO.

Smile Time is fun in context and execution TBH but I really disliked that werewolf girl so I didn't like it much. But Spike and Angel's fight was hilarious.

I liked him when he first sprang into the hotel's lobby from hell and then when he locked up Angel and put him into the middle of the ocean, but those were just actions and as a character, he was horrible.

To be fair, I like season 2 of Buffy a lot mostly because Angel is introduced as the love interest and they finally get together and he becomes Angelus and the big bad villain of the season and what's a better way to use that as a metaphor for how being a teen girl sucks? I liked Angel because we had that basis for