
pretty much…

No disrespect to Power Rangers because I grew up with them and I love them but Marvel has built up all these super hero stuff and finally did the Avengers and made crazy amounts of money by simply depending on CGI and everyone just worships the ground Marvel tries to walk in but now DC has the chance to prove that

he is gonna dieeee… i am 89% sure.

It's either that or it's gonna be 13episodes again and they'll put LoA in its slot in mid-season

I really, really want to like LoT but I can't for the following reasons:

I totally agree! She was a little flat in earlier seasons because she was this babbler who made funny innuendos and was all tech-talk. The second they gave her some background, people started bashing. It's called character growth, people.

I was getting the whole #married vibes from Oliver and Nyssa at the beginning of the episode though with defending each other and all. At least they had come to an understanding, but you are right, there was totally a scene missing where they actually talked about Oliver's plan. She seemed to know about it, but they

He should have Indiana Jones his ass, yes!

I have to admit, I was a little underwhelmed with the season finale (even though I keep squeeing about the fact that my OTP literally drove off to the sunset - every fangirls' dream!) and I think it had to do with the fact that they had too many characters this season and tried to juggle too many plotlines and then

He kinda accepted himself so yeah he fought to live - it wasn't just his love.

Nope, they didn't announce Robbie Amell in the cast - they announced only Victor Garber.

he did call them both and they were unavailable and that's why he resorted to capt. cold and then somehow both oliver and ronnie showed up at the exact second he needed them.

and he's probably going to quit for good given last 2 episodes and then they'll bring in the HIVE stuff to give him things to do instead of standing on the corner and give insight.
I love Diggle, but that seems to be all he's been doing this season

Ronnie is gonna die. I'm 89% sure.

plus, if barry went through half the shit oliver went through, he wouldn't be all unicorns and rainbows either.

IMHO, they should have just brought in one of the Green Lanterns instead of stupid Ray Palmer.

they brought back Arrow 2 weeks before they did the Flash and then messed up everything.
I think it was to bump up the lead in to iZombie but it doesn't make sense since apparently they aired a few episodes out of order on that.

It's worse that Oliver's lair at this point, everyone just walks in.

I think it was supposed to take place after Arrow's 3x21 with Oliver showing up as DarthOliver and then we'd get the reveal that he was faking since he showed up in the Flash.
Or at least I hope it was the case because it makes no sense that now he is in Nanda Parbat.

I am pretty sure Ronnie is actually going to die, given that Robbie Amell wasn't cast in LoT and that Caitlin has to become a villain at some point so why not kill off her fiance and fridge him?