I can’t wait for the Well, Actually Brigade to swoop in here and say that “that’s not how endowments work” as if that $7.5B exists as a purely abstract concept.
I can’t wait for the Well, Actually Brigade to swoop in here and say that “that’s not how endowments work” as if that $7.5B exists as a purely abstract concept.
... has an endowment of $7.5 billion
Those commie liberal elitists in academia strike again.
I have to say the last couple of years have been great at helping me decide which “friends” and family members I should actually care about. So I’ll probably be an alcoholic with paranoid personality disorder by the end of Trump’s presidency, but dammit I’ll know who my friends are!
Supremacist Tot Mom?
That’s like during the election when people started posting about “Not letting politics get between friends.”. That’s all well and good if you’re straight white and moneyed. But when your politics is supporting efforts to disenfranchise me, take my freedom, property, loved ones and life then we aint friends. We can’t…
You need to read between the lines, the author is trying to paint with a broad brush and implicate others
Yeah. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and uses homophobic and racist slurs like a duck, then it’s a racist and homophobic duck. You can engage with toxic communities without engaging in the same toxic language they use.
Honestly can we just call The NY Times the fancy NY Post? For real they are composed of the most annoying parts of whiteness. Those parts are playing the victim, lack of self awareness and blind arrogance. For real who told the editor of that piece of shit that this was a good idea? David Duke. As for Ms. Norton she’s…
She seems to think being a Nazi is some sort of quirk you’re supposed to overlook, like your friend who never texts back. It’s pretty simple, don’t be friends with Nazis, they’re Nazis! It’s not something you overlook about someone to focus on their good qualities.
Yeah but there’s also not an auction block and people directly purchasing other people. It puts me in the mind of one of those mail bride “services” ...
It’s pretty much slavery. If someone is stuck in your house, not a citizen, not free to go and laboring for you, that’s slavery.
It’s primarily cognitive-dissonance. There was this research done recently where they zapped the part of your brain that causes you to become defensive (it’s late, I’m basically reducing something complicated and interesting into a small blurb) to reduce its effect and people were far more ready to entertain different…
This impassioned stanning for Applebees has made my morning.
You would think that the only way there’d be accurate coverage of what’s going on is if a reporter was doing a puff piece at an honors society event for smart kids in a majority white school and actively capture LEOs killing a black kid right as he was walking out of the activity after previously being covered as an…
You call for help.
The news media is just another arm of the White supremacist system. They don’t care about being right and wrong, they care about delivering a narrative. If enough people hear and digest their narrative unchallenged, does the truth even matter anymore?
Who was promptly arrested and charged with 2 counts of aggravated murder.
That’s why you all are so important. White mass media will not do it. Its incumbent upon you black reporters ask those questions and bring it all to light in the black community. Keep us informed and directed. I want to thank you in advance.
you have to wonder if this ignorance is plain willful.