Yeah, am I the only one who thinks this whole thing, photos included, makes him hella charming?
Yeah, am I the only one who thinks this whole thing, photos included, makes him hella charming?
I don't know what his politics are but the man clearly knows his snack foods and that is A-OK with this voter.
I think you'd better get a basin ready.
Oh my god, you're right!!! Gah!
That's not hormones. That's what a rational response to insanity feels like.
He has resting rapist doucheface.
I love your Dad.
Because yeah, I am.
Oh God, definitely. Actually, our immediate conclusion was that he was basically pressuring her/reinforcing his narrative that everything was normal and kosher. He was a cop. I'm sure she wasn't the first. That said, I still do feel their is that cognitive "I'm not so bad" dissonance at work, operationally, with a…
does anyone else think that the teddy bear that got mentioned a few times is a nanny cam? He turned it around so his actual violence wouldn't get filmed? Explains why he has video of his interactions, and none of these women seemed to mention a camera...
"Speaking of, does Law and Order: SVU air in Canada?"
If there's a silver lining to all this ugliness, it's that there's a discussion taking place about consent in Canada, or at least it seems so in my circle, among those who I can't imagine having that conversation otherwise. My dad of all people said last night to me, "people who are kinky must be angry to have their,…
It couldn't happen to a more deserving scumbag. Also note that it's the Ontario Provincial Police doing the investigation, not the Rotten, Corrupt, Megalomaniacal Pigs. The RCMP don't just drag their own heels, they drag the heels of sex abuse victims, abusing them a second time.
No doubt she has access to exotic scents from all over the universe. Cosmic perfumes must be amazing.
He's a fucking narcissist of the first degree. Part of him was DYING to show everyone his sex tapes.
He couldn't wait, I'll bet. He's secretly proud of his collection because Edgy. He's probably always wanted to show videos to people he needs/respects. And now, out of the clouds of lying bimbos, the silver lining of getting to show higher-ups how aggressively cool he is. They'll see it and understand, they liked him…
Can you imagine being sat down and showed a video of your friend, coworker, subordinate, ANYONE YOU KNOW, REALLY, showing you a video of them having regular sex, let alone violent sex, under any circumstances whatsoever? I think I'd be kind of traumatized by that. What has been seen cannot be unseen. How delusional…
This is Jian Ghomeshi. The guy never saw a simple sentence that he couldn't lengthen to an interminable paragraph. He likes the sound of his own pretentious voice too much to keep it simple.