This is the experts section. You can say it - Varys kills the shit outta Kevan Lannister.
This is the experts section. You can say it - Varys kills the shit outta Kevan Lannister.
I thought it was great that Jonah's immediate concern upon seeing the bowling alley video is the potential harm it could cause to Polly. He's an ogre but he's not a monster.
Agreed. In fact, I wonder if part of him has playing her in the hope of securing this information the whole time.
The "nothing to say" exchange was humorous and was part of the build for Tyrion's working relationship with Grey Word and Missande. Once Varys retutned, the scene ultimately revealed who is financing the Harpy. So not random.
I dunno, this scene demonstrated that she now has full control when riding the dragon, which was noticably larger than it last appeared. It also reminded us that oh shit, Dany totally wants to kill all of our other favorite characters. I wouldn't say those developments are random.
Writing from your safe space?
What's a specific example of a random check-in?
Yes, more specific supporting evidence, please.
Not true. Paige returns home via the church van, as referenced by Pastor Tim in this episode. She doesn't have a drivers license.
And their dumb baby.
Deadwood! The subsequent NBC series with Al Swearengen! The Muppets most recent reboot! Revolution! The one with the guy who shoots Jason Bourne's girlfriend and his robot cop partner!
Yeah and maybe they'll go back and reshoot THE OPENING SCENE OF THE SERIES so it involves a dead little girl coming back as a zombie. Really set a whole new tone.
Yeah, because the character had so much depth before. Now that we know the incredibly tragic circumstances behind his brain damage and death, he's sort of boring, right?
But he didn't affect the past. It always went down that way. There's no time line on which Hodor doesn't become Hodor due to Bran.
Good riddance, see you next week.
"The mummers play was definitely the highlight."
Well, you are one hulluva an optimist aintcha?
Until tonight, 24 was the only other show I'd ever seen in which a crash through a glass door lead to someone's immediate death. And I was like, "Oh shit, I guess you probably WOULD die from that. Flippin TV."
I had the same uneasy feeling that Paige was about to stab her, but I chalked it up to post traumatic Game of Thrones disorder.