Yeah but Loyalist thought up that totally sweet "pump their sorrow into" line. He or she is gonna, what, NOT use it just cause it doesn't actually apply?
Yeah but Loyalist thought up that totally sweet "pump their sorrow into" line. He or she is gonna, what, NOT use it just cause it doesn't actually apply?
Definitely got much better towards the end. Sad to see it cancelled. Hopefully the multicultural rainbow of Batmans premise will be seen again in fully realized glory.
I find AV Club reviews have become excessively negative, especially these True Detective ones. They remind me of the group of college kids who sat behind me at a Mad Max screening the other day; so concerned with what they think of the movie, they're too busy sharing their thoughts with one another to actually absorb…
"A fact that's underscored by the fact that…"
Me too. But then again, I always forget that a lot of people are dum dums.
Soooo, either you never got drunk enough to forget what happened, or the scope of your personal experience defines what is and isn't possible for the rest of us…I wonder which it could be.
So can the white walkers go to Dorne? With like SPF 30?
I'll just be over here, adding news of Stannis being dead to my "Super Obvious Things Only Dumbasses Didn't Already Know" file.
There was just something about the way he said "tiny pink cock."
So when winter arrives, does it reach Dorne?
Well said.
Hey! Don't slut/keyboard techniques shame for men me!
Oh my god, dude, please, you're killing me. Slut/career focused shaming for men!
The male version of slut shaming. Classic.
Yeah, totally, except that there is.
Intetesting, the moment she took his hand and allowed him to help her down from her stage, I thought she had accepted him back. You think there's still a chance she did not?
Yeah, you tell 'em! I dub thee Difference Maker!
I hated it at first, but when I thought about what it was, rather than what I expected it to be, I was like, "Oh shit, that movie might have actually been really good."
And Stannis was all, "Weeeelllllllll, if you really wanna help…."