
I get it, I just get sick with anger.

Right, andlet innocent people have their legs blown off and bleed out so we can feel all superior and obamaey

They are muslim immigrants, period. Not one of them is european.

By the way, if you go to migrant neighborhoods in sweden, they will kill you for being non muslim. Just ask 60 minutes.

Oh, go eat a donk you naive, naive liberal tool. Muslims go blow up a bunch of europeans and who do you blame? Europeans. I hope the vics were liberals and they can blame themselves for having their legs blwn off by muslim savages.

You want mid east refugees, this is what you get.

My favorite thing was seeing the idiotic 60 Minutes crew being kicked in the face by Muslim migrants while trying to film a show about how Muslims are a persecuted minority. Priceless.

Yes, our policy does have something to do with it. Bush going into Iraq and Obama letting Iraq go, was a disaster.

Sorry pal, this is an Islam thing, not a religion thing. Islam is the only religion people are killing for en masses. (One bipolar dude shooting at an abortion clinic is not a terrorist group).

Actually, we do need to worry because we will give them what they need. Boeing is going to move production there and they will just steal the tech and the American jobs.

That costs $400,000 per plane built by a foreign company. Oh and it doesn’t actually work.

Yes but we get to pay a foreign company $400,000 per plane for a helmet cam.

I bet the terrorists got manpads from us. It sickens me when I see videos of those savages with TOW missiles.

Poorly grammared is not a word. If it were, it would be hyphenated. As for Obama being arrogant, his own people have said he is. Oh, and he said it was his biggest mistake as president.

Exactly. And I bet the west/Israel had much more part in fanning the flames of this war than anyone lets on.

Obama is a fucking arrogant know it all who believes we serve the government instead of the other way around.

Oh ok. Yeah I just wonder if at the end of the day f-35 stealth will be neutralized by some irst or missile advance.

So now it’s up to us? I predict big gains for the terrorists in the next couple mnths courtesy of obama.

Wow, lots of arguing...