
I dunno. The LeSabre has character. The Camry is a similar idea, but with all the character surgically removed. In fact, I credit the Camry and Corolla with giving most Americans the impression that cars have to be appliances to be reliable.

Took one from Minneapolis to San Diego in 40 hours.

The problem with cars like this is car reviewers and car bloggers themselves. They get the free rides on $100K to $250K super cars or luxo barges with all the works and they try to spin their tales of how great the fake suede is or how brutal the power pushes them into the seat and how smart the electronics are. That

Preach. Sometimes you just want comfort and practicality over just speeeeed and handling. Not many cars today that fit that bill unless you count the semi-expensive to stupid expensive luxobarges out there. I don’t know, the new Continental was the first car to come to my mind if I were to think of what would be a