“and is also attempting to brand the coronavirus as “Chinese” because a brand allows for blame, as he’s diametrically opposed to accepting any himself.”
“and is also attempting to brand the coronavirus as “Chinese” because a brand allows for blame, as he’s diametrically opposed to accepting any himself.”
Shouldn’t have opted for the electronic billing.
If you are getting several hundred or thousands of dollars as a refund, you should be redoing your w-4.
Mark my words: The Democrats won’t change a thing. They like tradition for the sake of tradition. They’re going to wait for this election to be over, and wait for people to forget the problems with the primaries after they get buried under too many new news cycles.
I would be so annoyed if a coworker made me read that long, involved, self-important fucking auto-response.
How about it is unethical so no, you shouldn’t do it?
A lot of us also simply do not have sick time to use. It’s go to work or don’t get paid. A multi week quarantine would bankrupt me.
One of the worst symptoms so far is my 401k dropping 10%+ in four days. D=
Clearly you should panic! Panic, blame everything on Trump and vote for communism!
I’m no Trump fan, but since when does the AV club just republish Adam Schiff talking points?
It’s ironic how you trash bloggers shit on everybody all day but can’t take any criticism.
You hacks unironically use The Daily Mail has a consistent source and you think that commenter should chill?
Jezebel - always there to express sarcastic delight at the setbacks of others. Especially others that have more money than their bloggers. Which is just about everybody. Real targets.. People that are definitely bad and motivated by doing bad - are always overlooked. Unless they are a white male.
It’s crazy that you trolls are now so desperate you are attacking the qualifications I made for my reasoning. Of course not everyone lives in California, you moron. Only a few of you are here are brain-dead enough into extrapolating my comment into saying someone should take my advice for a 4% bump. When I get this…
“what’s the argument against having a restraining order forever?”
I take it you can’t control your spending on Amazon? That’s the only way someone would be against free money. Don’t project your poor financial decisions onto others.
4% of 2,000 is 80, not 160. I think I understand why you’re a former tax preparer
To anyone who believes there’s never a good reason to cut a member of your family out of your life, there are good reasons and I’m very glad you’ve never encountered one or more of them.