Andrew golds

Is it really scabbing if it’s a competing service taking the business? I thought scabs were temp hires paid by the owners during a strike?

You are seriously hoping for a coup against a sitting president of the United States?

Part of it could be simple pragmatism. It’s easy to rise fast in the ranks of Hawaii republicans, make a name for yourself, since it’s essentially a powerless minority, but the media still treats it as a two-party system. Then something like this happens, the true colors come out, and it’s time for a party switch.

“It’s like you’ve never heard of cognitive dissonance before.”

To reiterate, Pelosi is staking her remaining credibility in hoping that Steve Bannon, a former Goldman Sachs banker who bought shares in Seinfeld before founding an emphatically pro-Israel media empire and using it as a platform to put a mostly Jewish family in the White House is the new face of white supremacy and

Nah, I wanna hear about how the owner of a virulently pro-Israel alt-right publication who now works with Donald Trump and his Jewish family is a Nazi.

Calling everyone you disagree with a racist has been the old white Democrat ‘thing’ for 20 years now.

If you are third generation, why would you still consider yourself Mexican? That is problematic. It is fine to be proud of your heritage, but if you feel you are equally loyal to a place you personally aren’t from, that is weird. Shit, my great grandfather moved here from Germany a few months before WW1 and he

If my partner got nominated to the Supreme Court I would look at them in awe, it’s an amazing accomplishment. Let’s not conflate this a women who who looks at her husband in awe everytime he opens his mouth because she believes she must submit to his authority.

Yes, that completely describes a man who went to columbia, harvard, and then oxford. and graduated with honors.

You’re wrong, friend. I suggest you remove your bias that causes you to think that people join the military because they don’t have any options. That may have been true 30 years ago but is no longer accurate (nor has it been for the last 15 years or so). I joined because of 9/11 and because service is a family

“but they do try to limit the conflicts and offer lip service about fixing the VA”

Probably because a very vocal left leaning group hates the military and anyone who joins it, while the right traditionally respects anyone who joins. This very article is prefaced with an opinion that joining is dumb and that makes the people that join dumb.

Obama did the same thing to Iraqi citizens in 2011!!!! Where was your outrage then

Now, now.....Let’s not pretend all Latinos have to think and believe the same things.

I would love to know how you define a crime, because the basic definition of crime has always been breaking the law. Overstaying visas, illegally crossing the border are all breaking the laws, so why aren’t they a crime?

Kurt Eichenwald is a lying sack of shit. Do you honestly believe the Republicans had anything that David fucking Brock missed? There was no secret unreleased video, and all the other stuff was brought up during the primary,

“That kind of liberal arrogance is exactly why hes in the white house.”

Yeah, this is happening because a small amount of people voted for someone who they actually believed in. Not, you know, because of the massive amount of the country that’s small minded and hateful.

That foundation has subsequently closed down. Now why is that? The Clinton’s don’t have anything to sell to prospective donors anymore?