Unlawful according to who?
Unlawful according to who?
Why don’t you go to Africa, your never have to see a white person again.
Jump right in a make yourself look like a idiot when your wrong.
Check the latest news, Muslim on Muslim, but this is gawker a safe place for anti white.
Democrat and Hillary supporters.
She won’t get rejected, the dems don’t have the votes.
Is it in the basement.
They against any border.
City/state there no city rights.
Cities that don’t follow the law, you mean.
What trump building a wall, just like he promised.
Check the law, blocking traffic.
Did they block traffic.
Trump at 50%.
Ask joe Biden, about the video comments first.
They blind unless, the story hurts trump.
How are better schools, going to help if kids are killed on their way.
Not the south side.
Obama orders got booted by the courts.