So getting questions before the CNN town hall wasn’t corrupt.
So getting questions before the CNN town hall wasn’t corrupt.
A guilty white.
Troll somebody who points out facts that don’t fit the story.
The racist’s are on the video.
Isn’t it racist to target Latinos.
More likely jealousy plus.
She started her career as a lawyer, never when to jorno school.
What endgame, it about Obama being cheered on by fan boys.
He said he going to reverse Obama orders, what force are you talking about.
The outing was because her husband lied about uranium from Niger.
Widespread lies you mean about voter suppression.
The photos were put out by Clinton.
Since when do Christian blow up building, that a Muslim thing.
They Jewish, dumbass.
He just not into the circle jerk.
It the safe place for the left, to tell themselves how they won big in 2016.
He beat Hillary, completed it for you.
You do know the military mostly republican, check the army-navy football video of there response to trump.
Why don’t you try blaming bush, it worked for Obama.