
On the surface yes. But the point of the article is more that Amazon is either incompetent or blatantly malicious. People can debate that, but for me, the larger issue is that 500 MB, which is the maximum Amazon says it’s going to siphon off your internet per month, is not an insignificant amount. And what about other

I’m not sure it’s a trend, but I think Hollywood (and the public, even critics with a progressive slant) still treats female-led action movies differently. Look at all most of the big male action movie stars, they were bodybuilders or athletes, or (the better ones) actual martial artists who then learned to act for

A review I read earlier mentioned how Sam actually said that to Steve Rogers in the Winter soldier after his own speech, something like “did you have that already prepared"?

The reason is that it’s the original showrunner, who did seasons 1-4, which are widely regarded as “the non sucky ones”.

This is Office Online so it’s already free. They’re Progressive Web Apps which are glorified shortcuts, they still open in a browser instance and even keep the same cookies as the browser profile you were using when installing them.

I was wondering what that was about. I thought they were gonna wait until the guy stopped at least. Saul could have stayed visible but far away from the road so the guy couldn’t easily shoot him from the car.

Haven’t seen Narcos Mexico yet, but one thing I very much liked about the OG Narcos was that for the most part, they respected the characters’ countries and respective accents. I was laughing at the actual Chilean accent of the Chilean character. A detail the vast majority of U.S. productions miss, even ones as

If it’s Gina Carano I hope they upgrade the terrible fight scenes (cause obviously the actors aren’t fighters) and use her skills smartly like Soderbergh in Haywire, not like whoever-directed-that-Fast-and-Furious-Gina-Carano-one in that Fast and Furious that Gina Carano was in.

Yeah, you’re probably right. I didn’t remember the context in which what you said happened. I thought maybe Saul thought Lalo referenced Walt and Jesse as clients (BB was so long ago), but now I remember you meant when they were threatening Saul in the desert, with masks.

Do we know it's the same Lalo? Cause Lalo is short for Eduardo and it's an extremely common name.

That is true, and only 13 apps, plus SMS and calls. This is on Android. And also it doesn’t discriminate, it just forwards all notifications, including Whatsapp and Google Messages “for web is connected” persistent notifications. If you’re typing on your computer your watch will keep vibrating. You can disable those

This has been going on for a while now. What I’ve always wondered is why don’t these payment apps just require a simple accept money button. I remember when I tried out Google pay the first time it did have such a prompt, but the last times I’ve tried it didn’t, it just went through. I don’t know if it was just

I also have that one but the problem is the card management is atrocious, like with most third party synchrony cards. The synchrony app doesn’t even work for them. There is no transaction notifications of any kind, and there is no app really apart from the PayPal app which only really opens a webview to the mobile

I also have that one but the problem is the card management is atrocious, like with most third party synchrony

This is a real problem, but if it didn’t exist there would still be quacks selling their thing. It’s not like quackery is a unique problem in medicine, it’s in every other scientific discipline as well. People don’t believe in a 10,000-year-old earth because geologists treat them like shit.

How do we not know at this point that dark patterns are a real, effective and scummy thing? You don’t have to be an idiot to “fall” for it, you just have to be inattentive/annoyed/confused/lied to enough.

From your posts you seem to be taking people being “on their phone” to be them actually talking on the phone. People don’t do that anymore. But I half-agree, why would one expect that just looking/browsing/texting on your phone should signal anything to the server? If anything, like the SW said, they’re usually

I can’t tell if the omission of an adjective is on purpose.

I guess this is the first you’re hearing of Simone Giertz.

While I haven’t tried it myself, you can likely use the couple of 2% cashback cards that are not that hard to get (PayPal MC and Citi Double Cash) to minimize the hit. 1% fee is good enough for the peace of mind. There is a 3% cashback from Bank of America that you can set the cashback for online shopping but I’m not

You know that's right.