
@Gundem: From experience, calls from combat are usually VOIP and/or calling cards through a form of satellite internet. Anything easily traceable is a serious OPSEC liability.

Psh! I learned everything I need to know about driving through the GTA series. I'm even ready to use wood planks propped up on a dumpster to exit a multi-story parking garage if the opportunity presents itself!

Tis would make sense as to why they already moved up to 4.2.1. Apple doesn't launch new features without "upgrading" the iOS. The ".1" would be MobileMe on iPad and iPhone.

@Breed Evil: This brought a tear to my eye...

What Apple is trying to do is make two different devices. One for content consumption and one for content creation. Many would agree that a lot of people are only looking for consumption, so it may be smarter to create an independent device just for them.

oooo.... I love my Gorrillapod. Can't wait to try this out!

@pranthin8or: Fortunately for you, the MacBook Air can serve as your grill! Another USB port saved!

6 years in the Army as an Aviation Operations Specialist. Part of my job was being a CH-47 crewmember in Iraq. The first time this happens is actually annoying. Chinooks only fly at night due to their size (easy target) and therefore we are always under NVGs (night vision). It gets VERY bright!

@teknoboy66: In the fine print you'll find that the cartridges that come with the printer are "starter cartridges". On average, they have 1/2 of the ink of refills.

@FiskFisk33: Actually, those are Phalanx Close-In Weapons Systems for indirect fire attacks. (not AA, range is too short).

But will it work on a Mac? Still waiting to turn a Mac mini into a media center...

@a.seivewright: FYI: 15P (Aviation Operations) is the military job that does what you just described. I did that job for 6 years with a tour in Iraq.

@funkae: Great video, but it missed the best enhance quote of all time...

Headed up to the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota this weekend... this oughta be good.

@aec007: I would like to believe that the animations are only during the time that the information is being downloaded. Better than looking at a spinning beachball.

Going on 8 years in the Army with 6 in Aviation Tactical Operations and now Psychological Operations, I can certainly say that PowerPoint is the center of every officers workday.

... and that's how iPad websites should be done.

Title was very misleading. I was expecting to finally have a way to fire my camera with my iPhone... no laptop.