
1st gear:

I’m surprised by the 800lb carrying capacity. For many Americans that’s the driver and passenger. They wouldn’t be able to carry anything more.

Hi. I’m in my late fifties and and have successfully converted the $20M my dad left me into a $2M dollar photocopier cleaning empire. In fact, the number one photocopier cleaning company in all of Florida!

Don’t you mean inreliable?

What are you getting at? I’ve owned cars that reliably have had problems. My golf swing reliably delivers scores over 100.

Unfortunately domestic demand is induced demand. America wastes on an absurd scale.

That makes it even worse, the non gig employees are quite well compensated.

I’m loving the camo wrap Nissan chose. It nearly threw everyone off until Jason figured it out.

A potentially reliable AMG. Go on, tell me more...

I’m just going to come out and admit it. If I got my hands on this car, I would be that asshole who paints it Bugatti blue. *Fight me*

More evidence that all those “The Sky is Falling” over reactionary people are wrong.

I was feeling queasy seeing the Emperor wandering around all naked

That bumper already bumped in at the rear is an interesting styling touch. I wonder if that is Camry inspired?

Toyota partnered with Exxon in 1980 to create a hybrid Cressida.

When the G’s came out, I sat in one at a car show. Parts of the interior trim were already coming apart. The little seat control panel on one of the seats (great location, should you have a spill!) was already dislodged. I get that things can get scuffed up with countless strangers hopping in and out of a vehicle at a


The unspoken part is that the ‘middle class’ would rather spend 50% more on a bigger engine, silly gadgets and more seats, which are more profitable to produce and sell.

Toyota moves/evolves slowly. Very slowly. The Prius was a anomaly of rapid innovation. They are still trying to get over the shock of that to their corporate culture. I’m surprised they are not still selling looms...

TBF - they are basically selling these to boomers on social security anyway.

I think the Bolt is a pretty nice package for a GM car. It does, however, suffer from some GM quality and styling issues on the inside, but for the price, that could be acceptable.